View Full Version : Another newbie

01-04-11, 10:45
I think I've been suffering HA for approx 5 years now - it all started when my son started school and screamed the playground down everytime I left him. It got me thinking on my way to work what if I got ill and couldn't pick him up etc etc.

I started to get a sore tongue and didn't pay much attention to it initially, then got an upset tum and so the thoughts began...... Some good did come out of it I managed to give up smoking and have been nicotine free for 4 years - pure fear has been the driving force!

However, my latest obsession has reverted back to my mouth and although I go to the hygienist every 4 months, every lump, bump, spot, cut, is regularly checked. I know the inside of my mouth better than a surgeon knows anatomy!

I treated myself at Christmas to Denise Welch's autobiography (loose women) thinking she's been through the mill, low and behold half way through the book she says her mum was diagnosed with mouth cancer!! You can imagine it completely spoilt Christmas for me! Total over reaction, total imagination overload - oh to be normal!!:yahoo:

Managed to get over that one then last week at my sisters, picked up a magazine and a big article on a young 23 year old with tongue cancer - so been in a state ever since and have come across this website.

I too have a stiff neck and jaw most of the time, I'm sure through clenching my teeth and constantly stretching it by looking around in there!

I have read a number of posts on this site but haven't come across anyone that has HA but doesnt' go to the doctors? I rarely go to the doctors because I am so afraid they will shake their head and tell me something terrible, I thought hypocondriacs were always at the docs?? I sometimes feel my fear is so great even if I did get ill I couldn't go to the doctors for help. I also wonder what if people like us really do get ill, lets face it none of us are totally immune to illness so how would we cope if we actually had a proper illness?

Well enough of my doom and gloom, I can be sane some of the time, I've tried hynotherapy which I didn't feel worked - the guy kept saying 'interesting' when I told him my fear of mouth cancer - I ended up feeling like a proper loon!

It's reassuring to know I'm not alone, I have stopped bugging my family with it, I know the inside of my husbands mouth as well as my own and I can't bear to see his rolling eyes when I ask to look at his tongue once again - its not easy on the family either is it?

I am hopeful that I will get over this one day and as I said I'm not like this all the time, I have good times too. :D

01-04-11, 10:53
I think I've been suffering HA for approx 5 years now - it all started when my son started school and screamed the playground down everytime I left him. It got me thinking on my way to work what if I got ill and couldn't pick him up etc etc.

I started to get a sore tongue and didn't pay much attention to it initially, then got an upset tum and so the thoughts began...... Some good did come out of it I managed to give up smoking and have been nicotine free for 4 years - pure fear has been the driving force!

However, my latest obsession has reverted back to my mouth and although I go to the hygienist every 4 months, every lump, bump, spot, cut, is regularly checked. I know the inside of my mouth better than a surgeon knows anatomy!

I treated myself at Christmas to Denise Welch's autobiography (loose women) thinking she's been through the mill, low and behold half way through the book she says her mum was diagnosed with mouth cancer!! You can imagine it completely spoilt Christmas for me! Total over reaction, total imagination overload - oh to be normal!!:yahoo:

Managed to get over that one then last week at my sisters, picked up a magazine and a big article on a young 23 year old with tongue cancer - so been in a state ever since and have come across this website.

I too have a stiff neck and jaw most of the time, I'm sure through clenching my teeth and constantly stretching it by looking around in there!

I have read a number of posts on this site but haven't come across anyone that has HA but doesnt' go to the doctors? I rarely go to the doctors because I am so afraid they will shake their head and tell me something terrible, I thought hypocondriacs were always at the docs?? I sometimes feel my fear is so great even if I did get ill I couldn't go to the doctors for help. I also wonder what if people like us really do get ill, lets face it none of us are totally immune to illness so how would we cope if we actually had a proper illness?

Well enough of my doom and gloom, I can be sane some of the time, I've tried hynotherapy which I didn't feel worked - the guy kept saying 'interesting' when I told him my fear of mouth cancer - I ended up feeling like a proper loon!

It's reassuring to know I'm not alone, I have stopped bugging my family with it, I know the inside of my husbands mouth as well as my own and I can't bear to see his rolling eyes when I ask to look at his tongue once again - its not easy on the family either is it?

I am hopeful that I will get over this one day and as I said I'm not like this all the time, I have good times too. :D

Hi & welcome to NMP
your defo not alone with your HA alot of us suffer from this it may not all be the same body part but it is something like mine is my stomach am constanly checking my belly to see if am ill with a bug/ virus etc (am emetophobic=fear of vomiting so am always prodding & poking to see if anything is wrong in there most of the time its just trapped wind (like now my stomach is full of wind and have the bloated feeling but am sitting here thinking its something more) and this really sets me into panic mode!! but as you never go the doc's wel am ALWAYS there i think i should be getting an invitation to there christmas party am there that often !! lol !!:roflmao:
even though i have had every tests / examination / prodding etc all to come back clear i still think OMG what is this or that !!
I hate bein this way and my poor bf's ears must be done in as i question every sensation am having and he will feel my belly and just say "" its just wind relax"" i just cant help thinking its something more :weep:

01-04-11, 12:34
:welcome: to NMP

You will find lots of support here, There is always someone who will be willing to listen and offer advice should you need any.:)

01-04-11, 12:41
Thank you both so much for taking the trouble to reply.