View Full Version : Hello all. Social anxiety getting the best of me

01-04-11, 14:17
Hope you are all well! A friend of mine from a support group recommended this site to me as she thought that it might help me. Hopefully I can provide some support to others too.:)

I've suffered with phobias and panic attacks for 25 years on and off. I suppose the road to recovery isn't necessarily a smooth one! My phobias seem to essentially be social ones. This sounds ridiculous but I'm scared of trembling. When I do things infront of other people I get self-concious and shake (or fear I will) It started at school in science lessons but has progressed to doing other everyday things. It's highly embarassing. On a good day it doesn't happen or even enter my thinking. But on a bad day I can't concentrate and suffer panic attacks (milder than they used to be at least).

Secondly I also have a real problem with dating and finding girlfriends. Once again this is social anxiety coupled with self-doubt. Haven't had a long term g/f for about 14 years which makes me very sad.

I think CBT may be the way to go. Have dabbled with it but it is tough, needs lots of courage and hard work. Anyone had any similar problems and found the solutions through CBT? Is it better to do with a counsellor rather than self-help books do you think?

01-04-11, 14:18
Hi bazbaz71

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes