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View Full Version : Back to the docs and she listened! Positives..

01-04-11, 16:16
Hey everyone...well I just thought Id say that I was worried about suggesting to my doctor that I may have a overactive (or under) Thyroid gland today without her going off saying it oh here we go again my anxiety!! and guess what she listened and actually thought I had a good point!:yesyes:

Ive only started to suffer anxiety/depression for about 2 months now and during that time, ive gone downhill rapidly - Ive been signed off work (long term) I feel tired all the time (even though sleeping ok) I have more urge to go to the loo, wake up with a dry horrible taste in my throat everyday, lost nearly a stone in weight (but im not overweight) and I eat quite a bit, I feel knakered all the time and limbs ache and I came down with a horrid flu type virus two days ago which left me bed ridden! I explained all this cause I read from someone elses post on here they got diagnosed with it following blood tests..well...when I looked it up on my good friend Google - it also stated that this cause anxiety my other new best friend!!

So I told the Dr today..and she thought yes I could be right and that she will kick herself that if that has been my problem all along!! I cant have the bloods till next wk..cause im unwell and have got antibiotics..but thats cool cause at least I know someone is actually listening, my issue is not that I want something to be wrong with me but I sure want to know why this panic disorder has come out the blue and ive got so ill so quickly and Im not prepared to accept that there may not be a medical reason behind it! my life was fine before all this...so confused - but il get there...

Well as they say peeps...persistance pervails..:whistles:

01-04-11, 17:39
This sounds really positive :D