View Full Version : Dizzy Spells

01-04-11, 16:57
Hi all,

I have been suffering from dizzy spells since I was a young kid (now 31).

When at school, they always used to happen after taking part in prolonged exercise.

However, they can also occur for no reason whatsoever when I am out and about.
I do also suffer from panic attacks, just wondering is this another sign of panic. The thing is when I get these dizzy spells, I totally seem to lose all sense of balance and cause an embarrassment to people I am with as well, as this is usually in a public place.

I have thought that maybe its low sugar or low blood pressure but I have had these spells even shortly after eating so cant always be low sugar. Having said that sometime I have drunk lucozade which has made me better.

I have even been to the GP who sent me off for several blood tests including fastening glucose which were all apparently normal.

Any ideas and does anyone else suffer something similar.

02-04-11, 17:42
Yes suffer this all the time and have done for 24 years.
This is the main reason I will not go out on my own.
It is anxiety

10-04-11, 16:51
This is really geting me now, as it always seems to happen when I am out, so much so that it is affecting my relationship with my loved ones, who not only avoid going out with me, also do not understand that that no matter what I do I cannot control it.
When I get dizzy it is so bad that I start falling all over the place, its like I lose my balance totally. And once I am dizzy, it carries on, even after i have left the situation which was the trigger. So I might be back home, I will still be really dizzy.

If anyone is aware of any treatment to stop this I would like to know, as it is seriously restricting my life.

I also have relations coming over from overseas and I am supposed to be taking them round London.

They do not know about this condition and I am very worried of getting dizzy in front of them and making a fool of myself....

11-04-11, 13:24
I too have suffered this and had blood tests which came back with nothing. Recently some events in my life which caused me to feel very low and depressed I now realise that the dizzy spells I was having before were a result of anxiety. I now get worried about getting dizzy as it seems to get worse when i go out and at work rather than when I am at home but i think it is all just down to the anxiety. I am now on citalopram although I am suffering side effects incl. dizziness from these! Hopefully I will get through this soon and start feeling better. I hope you do to :)

13-04-11, 13:52
Has anyone tried the Bachs spray to help with these dizzy spells and does it work?