View Full Version : hello, could anyone tell me if i am eligible for financial support ?

02-04-11, 02:25

I am in my late twenties, i have been having recurring panic attacks for about the last 8 years or so, i have not been to the doctors yet ... haha.

I had had a part time job for 11 years that i had to leave recently due to my company wanting to relocate me, i could not handle the change due to my panic attacks so i had to leave.

My symptoms are usually hypertension so i cant walk properly sometimes, not being able to relate to things during the attacks - like being in a bubble, wanting to flee and what i hate the most - shaking, sometimes quite violently.

I have a very bad memory and at work did the same work more than once lots of times - nobody noticed this though i dont think. Sometimes i could not pick up mugs infront of unusual people on breaks without spilling tea - i did put my hand under water from the boiler when washing out my mug once when i was feeling anxious not on purpose - just not relating to the fact that the water was well boiling hot. Other than that time i havent put myself or anyone in danger.

So now i don't have a job - i live with my dad and was giving him money each week i sold my tv for cash and am going to have to start selling other things to give him money - he is not really poor or anything just i cant live off him like a leech.

I cant handle going for intervews for jobs - i havent been to the dentist iin ages and have holes in my teeth - i also avoided going to the doctor when i had stomach pain and was passing blood and loosing weight - that passed on its own though after a year of worrying - thank god.

Would i be able to get E.S.A ? i had a look some questions and like the mobility ones - i can walk fine normally, i cant walk one yard further though at the biggest point of a panic attack though - just run 100m in 8 seconds to get back home - joke

Could i get financial support even though i live with my dad ? i cant get a job and am quickly running out of money.

Thanks for reading and any help would be great !

02-04-11, 02:43
sorry i forgot to say i havent paid national insurance

02-04-11, 06:26
if your not working mainly due to your illness you should be able to apply for ESA (employment support allowence) just give your local job center a call and apply for it this is paid fortnightly around £130 a fortnight i think ?? if not you can apply for jobseekers allowance but you can get more info off there website or just give them a ring - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/employment-and-support/ or 08456088529

hope this helps x

02-04-11, 14:13
Thanks, do you think i would qualify from the little information i have proviided?

I had a look at the ESA questionaire - are you supposed to answer it in the thinking that you are having a panic attack and come off like a right nutter or if as you were relaxed at home and score few points?.

Like the sitting down questions - i can quite comfortably sit down at home on the couch but in an other situation somwhere whilst having a panic attack i would not be able to do so if that was asked of me without great difficulty? i do NOT want to make out i am physically disabled ALL of the time ?

Also could anyone tell me if i should try and see the doctor before applying for ESA - or that it doesnt really matter if you have a medical anyway.

Thankyou very much!

04-04-11, 19:08
Yes you can definetly claim ESA just fill in a form online or ask the job centre for one and they go through everything with you. The initial rate is £51.85 a week and you can backdate this to when you became ill providing the doctor can give you a medical cert to cover the period. once you get through the assesment phase after a medical it goes upto something like £91 per week.

04-04-11, 20:28
thankyou very much james!

Should i try go see my doctor and get diagnosed now? - i havent been to the doctors in about 9 years - since before i started getting panic attacks,

Or can you still apply for ESA when you havent been medically assesed by anyone yet?

Thanks for your time.

macc noodle
04-04-11, 20:33
No you have to be medically assessed! Otherwise, anyone could fill the form in and try to claim.

Go and see your doctor and tell him how you are feeling and see if they can help you - they may find a solution for you that helps you to feel fit enough to work.

Just one question though, why not just sign on for Jobseekers and see what you are eligible to claim for from them?

04-04-11, 20:47
Sorry, i mean do i have to go see MY gp first before i apply - i am more than prepared to have a medical for ESA.

Your own doctor cant do the medical for the ESA surely ?

I tried going to the jobcenter in person but had to turn back, i did not get onto the machines let alone handling a half hour or whatever consultation.

I was just wondering if i have to be diagnosed first by my gp (i dont like going to the doctor). Or if i could avoid going to the doctor as i have done for the past 9 odd years and then just wait for the external ESA medical ?

sorry i know it may seem strange