View Full Version : physical symptoms overwhelming

02-04-11, 11:38
I started having anxious thoughts on the run up to starting uni in feb and it culminated in a panic attack a couple of weeks into my course. Since then I have been continuing to try and carry on as normal but it's very difficult and I have an overwhelming desire to just give up and take to my bed! The most difficult thing i'm finding is dealing with the physical symptoms of my anxiety- palpitations, dizziness, numbness of legs, fatigue, achey limbs etc as quite often they hit me soon after waking in the morning. I'm trying to be positive but it's like my body is in a constant anxious/panic state no matter how positive i try to be and is on the verge of a panic attack a lot of the time. Does anyone relate to this and have any advice for methods they use to deal with this? I'm currently looking into cbt, and am trying to do yoga, taking some medication as well. I suppose there's the anxiety attached to waiting for any of these things to help and the worry they won't help at all.

02-04-11, 15:23
You just need to push through - it will get better I promise :)

Take a few deep breaths and try to relax...... dont give up!!!

02-04-11, 23:29
The physical symptoms can be hard to deal with. I'm sorry you are having trouble. I have bad episodes of tachycardia, get lightheaded, feel gaggy and have an upset stomach at times, and also have irritable bowel. The best thing is to try to find ways to relax (I know that is hard to do). You do need to do things even though you have the anxiety symptoms, because over time, they will lessen. Just keep trying and it will get better.

04-04-11, 19:48
thanks guys, it is kinda reassuring to hear people say that they will get better, i think somewhere in my mind i know they will too at some point, however as you can appreciate it doesn't always help or feel like that! it's just amazing how physically ill you can feel from pschological distress...i am trying my best to carry on, did a day at the place i'll be doing my nursing placement and got through it, it was tough but i did it, hopefully will be easier next time!