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View Full Version : Real bad weekend

10-04-06, 09:49
Hi all hope you are all doing ok.

Im posting today because I had such a bad weekend. My boyfriend went out on Friday night ( I had spent all week worrying about it , is he going to be ok, will he make it home, what if he gets into a fight,) all these are stupid thoughts because he is a sensible bloke! I new he would be fine deep down but I couldnt stop worrying about it all week. So my sister invited me to stay at hers Friday so It took my mind off of it, I was quite looking forward to it, and when I got to hers I was fine, we had a good night apart from feeling abit out of it and distant. Well we went to bed and I turned my phone off and I couldnt stop all these thoughts rushing in and out my head, I worked myself up so much worrying about him that I puked and then had serious panic attacks. I went from my sisters 6:30am and tried to get into my flat twice with no aviale ( B/f was still in bed), he then finally got up and i was a wreck, he said i was hysterical crying and stuff, I cant remeber hardly any of what happened though. I dont think that I am going to be able to cope much more with it :( I dont want to be locked up but I feel like im going proper nuts! Sorry this is a long one everyone hope all ok xxx

10-04-06, 09:56
Hi Lou

Im so sorry to hear you had a bad weekend. I used to get very bad panic attacks too & feel so ill but it will pass & you will find you are alot stronger than you thought you were.

You just went through a little blip that all.

Keep positive & your chin up.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

10-04-06, 10:00
Hi Lou,

Im sorry to read what a horrible time you have had, panic and anxiety makes you feel like your going mad when infact your really just too clever. You have the ability to keep your family safe and would be a survivor in cave men days.
Please dont think your mad because if you are mad then I am too, i get just like you do but I am not mad I just suffer from acute anxiety....
have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel ?


10-04-06, 10:31
Thanks Mirry :) yeah i have been to see the doctor about 15 times in the last 2 years, but he is a total waste of space and i cant get in to any other surgeries. Once he laughed at me when i told him how i felt and said go on holiday then so i dont trust or like him any more :( He has given me some tablets to try so i am going to start them tonight and see if they make any difference. Thanks again xxx

10-04-06, 11:33
Hay lou

you are not going mad, no way.. this is all part of your anxiety and in time all of this will lessen it wont be like this forever love.
How did you get on taking ya medication, hope this may take the edge of things for you.
As for your doctor try someone else in your sugery ,and keep trying till you find the right one, an understanding one.. we all need a doctor that has patience and understanding in anxiety,panic,and depression.. if the doctor we have lafs at ya or is quick to get you out the door...he he/or/she has got to go, because theres nothink worse is there hun.
Are you going to any relaxtion classes, or maybe therapy..are you doing anything like this atall sweetheart.

ashley x :D