View Full Version : veins :(

02-04-11, 17:46
right well today ive got this fear that theres somethin wrong with my veins like a disease or something .. i cann see veins all over my body now were they there before health anxiety started and im just noticeing them?? al week ive been gettin pains where my underarm meets my chest if that makes sense
as well as everywhere else not full muscle pains or aches just little parts of muscles.. ??? is this anxiety?? i want to get better but i need to know all this is just anxiety and nothing else to worry about .. thanks in advance to anyone that replys xx

02-04-11, 18:01
I can see loads of my veins too, I think everyone can. Some people's are more prominent then others, but I don't think that means anything, it's just that we're all different.
I don't know about the muscle type pain sorry, anxiety can give us a lot of funny symptoms though so could 'just' be that.
Hope this helps! x

02-04-11, 18:10
tarr .. so you dont ever get muscle aches or pains then? x

02-04-11, 18:16
I get muscle aches and pains brought on by anxiety.

02-04-11, 20:24
hi shoegal .. and are they as ive described? i keep gettin a apin under my armpit :( im gettin them everywhere .. plus iv got a bad cold so i gotta deal wth that too and my wisdom teeth are comeing through and causein serious pain.. but my main worry is these aches and pains , the pains are not constant they come and go and then come and it goes on like that .. its not always the whole of my muscle that hurts its just a little bit of it .. i think it might be an electric shock sort of feeling .. i dont care what any of all this is i just need to know its not something thats going to kill me x

02-04-11, 20:38
Do the think the muscle pain could be tension? I know my shoulders hurt if I've been tense and have been hunched up. Have you tried nice warm baths to relax your muscles? x