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View Full Version : Mood swings

becks xxx
02-04-11, 19:30
Are mood swings a symptom of anxiety? All last week felt like i was going mad again and thought i had bipolar, saw my counsellor and was reassured it's just anxiety
But can anxiety really make your moods go from feeling normal, maybe a little bit anxious to feeling realy down and quite angry and upset? or does this sound like bipolar???? :weep:
This is up and down everyday by the way, i don't have weeks/months of a good mood then a bad mood, just flutuates throughout the day..and when im distracted notice my good mood staying
Please someone put my mind at rest?! X

02-04-11, 19:37
its defo anxiety related i get days like this sometimes i can be great then the next min i just totally change and become angry etc.... xx

02-04-11, 21:33
Doesn't sound like bipolar. I suffer bad mood swings sometimes lasting hours sometimes weeks, my docs not sure I am bipolar but he doesn't want to say it's just one thing, in fact he thinks I have a spectrum of disorders (typical!)
I know how you feel though, I wish I could help more but I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I've just been prescribed velafaxine or whatever it's called, hoping it's 3rd time lucky but who knows.

Are you on any medication at the moment? If your moods bother you alot you need to see if you can get anything to stabilize them. I know how sudden mood swings can really badly affect your life :hugs:

03-04-11, 00:36
Sounds very much like anxiety.
With classic bipolar you'd be looking at mood swings that occur over numbers of months not days. You can get ultradian cycling (very quick) bipolar but it's unusual.
Another thing to consider is atypical depression which includes "labile mood": changes a lot. It would also be charactersied by symptoms such as highly increased interpersonal sensitivity and difficulty getting to sleep at night rather than difficulty waking early and worrying.

TLDR: anxiety most likely