View Full Version : It's my own fault

10-04-06, 10:32
Hi all. I'm really struggling today and it's all my own fault !!!
I went out yesterday drinking kind of an all day thing. I probably said things i shouldn't have, spent loads of money and god knows what else !!! I've woken up this morning feeling awful. Anxiety is with me, i can't seem to settle and relax, I feel like i need a good cry and huge cuddles. I'm worrying about things that usually go over my head. I'm having a tough time today. I'm hoping I can get some support here and a little advice on how to get through the day. I haven't taken my son to school either. Tara xxx

10-04-06, 11:03
Hi Tara

Your only human so dont be too hard on yourself! Try drinking loads of vitamin C if you can and have a relaxing day!

Mite not be very healthy but a good fry up always helps a hangover!

By mid day you be feeling much better

Wendy xxx

10-04-06, 11:41

Wendy is right you are only human, wish i could be human right now too..but love know this drink will aggrivate your anxiety .. honestly it will ..thats why i dont go near it atall, i dont because i know how i will feel the next day.. oviously if i wasnt in this circle of fear im in at the moment i would go and have a good old knees up man, but i know how i would feel the next day.. terrible and it would spiral my anxiety ten fold..guess you know this anyway love --- just bear it in mind for other occassions. hay theres nothink wrong with having a drink or two..you go girl.. but limit it if you are anxious ..at least for the time being.

What you need to do now ok is have ya self a nice warm bath, try and do some breathing exercises, and chill with ya son watching dvd's until tonight ..once you sleep you will feel better...
If you cant relax in any shape way or form, do something to keep yaself busy until bed time..i have been that way back in january and i swear i know how bad ya feeling babe..

ashley x

10-04-06, 17:35
Thanks heaps wendy and ashley for your warm replies.
I really should know better, i gave up alcohol for over 2 years and started drinking again last august.

Well as i couldn't settle I decided to take my son out to the park, i didn't really want to but once i was out the anxiety eased.

Wendy....I took your advice and had a huge fry-up and i have drunk plenty of juice.

Ashley....some wonderful advice and i am gonna try and relax from now until bedtime....sometimes a bit hard with a five year old son but he is cool and has been a welcome distraction today.

Thanks again both . Tara x

10-04-06, 17:45
Hay girl

Well done see ya made it through the day.. now all ya got to do is have that nice bath .. and have ya self an early nite,well after coro and eastenders huh..lol.

with love ash

10-04-06, 22:09
Hope you are feeling better tonight Tara.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

10-04-06, 22:17
Hi Tara.

Hope you're feeling better and more relaxed. Do you have any friends or anyone at home that can support you when you feel like this?


10-04-06, 22:52
hi tara,

hope your feeling better. its just a bump in the road, dont give yourself a hard time about it.

you take care .. andrew

10-04-06, 23:25
Hope you are feeling better now Tara.

Name me one person on this planet that hasn't done something that they later regret. Its how we learn I guess.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-04-06, 10:21
Morning all x Thanks Karen, scooby, andrew and ray for your replies. x

I went to bed at 8.10pm last night (very early) and took my son to bed with me, as a special treat I said he could come and sleep with me. It was more for me than him, I really needed a cuddle and we both enjoyed "our special treat ".

I slept for nearly 12 hours, I forgot how exhasting all this anxiety can be you. When i woke up i took my time, just remembering how i'd felt the day before, i didn't want it to get me again.

This morning i managed to get my head around things, gave my son a bath and got him to school.

Ray.... Thanks for saying we all do and say things we shouldn't have sometimes... doesn't help us worriers lol. Sometimes i wish i could just say things and not worry like hell about it afterwards. Must learn to keep my opinions to myself!

Scooby.... I suppose i can call on one or two people when i feel this way but i feel like i don't want them to see me like that, although i would be most upset if they didn't call on me if they needed support.

Andrew.... i hope this is only a bump in the road for me as i have been doing sooo well. I no longer take any medication. Maybe it's time for me to stop drinking alcohol for a while as i have had a few of these experiences over the last few months and it's not nice.

Thanks again all...still feeling a bit down but hoping this will ease. Got lots of cleaning to do so that will keep me busy.
Tara xx

11-04-06, 12:38
hi tara,hopeyou doing well today.Vile tho' isn't it the 'booze fear'.Thats what me and my son all it!!itis very commom with people with anxiety and panic disorder,I SO WANTED A BOTTLE OF WINE LAST NIGHT!!!!Ha ha ha ha!!but ,like you,i knew what would hapen today,bummer!we all get loose tongues when we drink too much tho so dont fret about that!i think we cant do moderation,i know i find it difficult.i dont want one or two sips of wine,i want the bottle!!it makes me fel beter 4 a while but get 'the fear' the next day!!All or nothing with me i think,so you are not alone here.Glad you feelin better today.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

11-04-06, 15:59
Hi Tara
Reading your post is a god send.
Im feeling exactly the same way today. Loose tongue as well I have a memory block big time! Dont know if thats good or bad though...he he
But like you i know i will be ok.
stace xx


11-04-06, 18:29
Thanks mary-rose....stace.
I know that one mary, once i've had one it feels good so another one won't do any harm, or so i think. I have been drinking a lot of late maybe not loads but one or or three beers everyday so i think it's time to really cut down.

Stace, the loose tongue is an awful thing, why do we do it huh !!

I'm taking my propanonol today just to chill things out for me, it does seem to settle me and i'm a big believer in "whatever helps you" just do it.

Hope your all ok today.... Tara xxx