View Full Version : terrible ectopics again :o(

02-04-11, 23:49
I really Can't bare this at the moment. They've been getting bad recently. I just cant help but worry even thouh i've had tests done to be all clear......
The more i worry the worse they get im sure, then the worse they get the more i worry its something seriously wrong. I just want to go to bed/sleep at night without these horrible things. My throat feels wierd and my chest and its very unsettling to feel the odd thud springout my chest.
I did do a post recently about this. I kinda found writing on here helped me relax a bit. I'm also pregnant at the moment and on my own under alot of stress so i guess these things make the palps worse??
Has anyone ever had these for a period of time and then they've gone for good. I've had them for 4 years and i can't imagine living my life with these forever :weep:

03-04-11, 08:01
Hi Clare.
I've had these things full on lately too. Mine were bad about 2 years ago, and then they got better because my anxiety got better. At the moment they are really stressing me out to the max too! I can have episodes throughout the day for like an hour or so where it's like every other beat! I've just been outside pruning my roses and it started so I've come inside and made a herbal tea and am sitting watching some tv. The more I can get myself to relax the quicker it settles. You are not alone and yes there will be times where you will go eptopic free but I have come to the acceptance that they are here forever. This is who I am, this is what my body does under stress. It is the worst symptom to anxiety and sometimes I feel like jumping out of my skin!

Kel x