View Full Version : Exercise question

03-04-11, 05:09
Hello there,

Have taken a short break but am back now with a question:ohmy:

When I exercise which isn't a great deal but still more than I used to, sometimes I cannot go on because am short of breath, sometimes breathing is okay but heart racing so fast, sometimes neither of those but muscles ache. Does anyone get this plz? The worst fear out of them all is the heart racing 'cause I think I'm gonna have a heart attack! So I slowly stop exercising, get some fresh air, take in water but heart still racing, it won't go down, I don't think this is a good sign:ohmy::blush::blush:

I'm so mad about it because I'm trying to do something good after giving up smoking 19 months ago but seem to have more illnesses now than when I smoked!! Was it worth giving up?!

Oh blah blah blah, here I go again:shrug::shrug::shrug:


03-04-11, 06:11
Hi. It is perfectly normal for your heart rate to increase and for you to become breathless when you exercise. It's your body's way of getting more oxygen to your muscles. If it beats really fast and frightens you, just slow down for a bit or stop and take a few deep breaths. Remember that your body is supposed to feel like that when you exercise and worrying about it will keep your heart beating fast for longer! I hope this helps to reassure you. Take care. :flowers:

And yes it was DEFINITELY worth giving up smoking. Well done.

03-04-11, 08:32
Hi Elsie,
Of course it was worth giving up smoking, well done. I seriously felt and thought the same way as you do for about 5 years after giving up smoking and grrrrr! the weight gain. But i know it was the best thing to do.
Breathlessness, increased heart rate and muscles aching are all a natural part of exercising.
Are you using a heart rate monitor whilst exercising? It may help you with your heart attack concerns. Its a small device that will show you your heart rate whilst exercising and its not very expensive to buy or hard to use. No guessing or worrying and as you learn to use it you can tailor your exercise routines to the information its giving you. I was shown how to use one from being very unfit and overweight, it helps.
Stretching regulary decreases muscle ache. Also warming up and warming down.
I think my breathing got easier as i got fitter and more used to exercise. Also using a heart rate monitor can help you relate your heart rate percentage to your breathing.
Let us know if you try it and if it helps. You take care.

05-04-11, 04:25
Thank you shoegal and andrew for your replies and advice. I know that it's normal for heart to go up when exercising but sometimes omg sooooooooooooo fast:wacko::wacko:I know it's because I smoked for 37 years lol and need to get my body in shape again! The fact that I have put on 3 stone in about 18 months-gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! It's not that I eat that much more than before, it's sooooooo strange! So you know I'm 53, not over the hill yet but no youngster either and am carrying a lot more weight.

Funny thing is that of all the scenarios I thought of in my life, being over weight was NOT one of them as I was always slim:weep::weep::weep: Can't even blame drink cause I aint drunk for 30 years, oh dear Lord what a boring old fart I am:weep::weep::weep::weep:

Does anyone know where I can buy a life please?:roflmao::roflmao:

As long as it don't cost too much cause credit is bad lol:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


05-04-11, 05:23
Hi. If you find out where you can 'get a life' please let me know! I've been asking myself the same question for quite a while now.

I need to get out more...................... (but I'm agoraphobic)! :roflmao:

macc noodle
05-04-11, 06:00
Yep, would love a new life - one which doesn't involve hormones (am 50 and suffering....)


I am overweight and 50 and keep trying to get myself sorted with some exercise and better lifestyle (huh - no chance in this stressful world heh?) - but like you get so out of breath and start to stress over that so give myself all the more reason to sit on the sofa another hour !!!

Perhaps we should start an NMP exercise group?? :D

macc noodle
05-04-11, 06:02
Yep, would love a new life - one which doesn't involve hormones (am 50 and suffering....)


I am overweight and 50 and keep trying to get myself sorted with some exercise and better lifestyle (huh - no chance in this stressful world heh?) - but like you get so out of breath and start to stress over that so give myself all the more reason to sit on the sofa another hour !!!

Perhaps we should start an NMP exercise group?? :D