View Full Version : anyone feel like a ball of air trapped at top of the stomach

03-04-11, 13:38
Hi has anyone had this feeling at the top of your tummy near your diaphram its like a empty feeling and like a ball of air is stuck there and even when you burp it dosent shift it.Ive had it for weeks .Anyone had it .kind regards molly

03-04-11, 13:58
Anyone ?

03-04-11, 15:08
i suffer with this 24/7 just below my ribs in the center and i can sit here and rub it all day and will burp a little bit but that feeling don't go it feels like i have eaten smething and its lodged there and just don't budge i have been the doc's many of times who says its acid and wind or one of both but just relax the more i dwell on it the worse it feels

03-04-11, 16:42
i also have this feeling but its under my left ribs x

03-04-11, 17:16
Thank you both for your reply ,i hate the feeling so much its making me so anxious as i keep thinking the worst thing it could be.It dosent help that a blood test for helicobacter came back positive but the doc said most people have this and it prob not the reason for stomach issues ,he said it more than likely anxiety .thank you again kind regards molly

03-04-11, 19:07
Yep, a ball beneath my ribs, sometimes I feel like it''s hard to breathe because there's smething there, it feels like wind but it never budges, sometimes it fades and then when I get bad panics, or feel ill it comes back major bad, i get it accompanying the tight band feeling around my head. x

03-04-11, 19:19
Thank you both for your reply ,i hate the feeling so much its making me so anxious as i keep thinking the worst thing it could be.It dosent help that a blood test for helicobacter came back positive but the doc said most people have this and it prob not the reason for stomach issues ,he said it more than likely anxiety .thank you again kind regards molly

ive got it right now all below my ribs and it just wont budge i always go into panic mode automatically even though i no its just trapped wind or something still kicks my anxiety off as it just wont more and makes me feel so sickly x

03-04-11, 20:33
Hi its horrid i know ,all day ive had this terrible empty feeling like a big ball of air at the top of my stomach .really hate it .i hope you feel better soon .kind regards mollyxx

03-04-11, 23:30
I get bouts of this too and like you say it feels like a ball there. It feels like I need to disperse a lot of air but I cant. I sometimes get a feeling like palpitations with it too. Think its anxiety and that in turn causes tummy problems. Angiex

04-04-11, 01:08
Yes!!! I have this a lot, more often when constipated mixed with anxiety.

04-04-11, 01:59
Yes I have had this especially when I am stressed or not eating right. Have you tried a carbonated beverage or some ginger ale? What has the doctor done for the H.Pylori?

Hope you feel better soon.

04-04-11, 10:05
Hi thank you for your replies .The doc gave me a weeks course of anti bs but cant get them down cos of fear of being allergic ,the doc did say he not sure it was that causing my symptoms though so not sure what to dp.He says most people test positive for it.thanks again kind regards molly

04-04-11, 10:57
Hi Molly,

I'm glad the doc has sourced some antiBs for you - if possible you should try to get them down as then at least you can rule it out :-)

I get this all the time too. Last night I was lying in bed and I can push down just under the bottom of my ribcage in the middle of my abdomen and it feels like air is stuck there. It's quite uncomfortable.

This morning my stomach is twitching and that's a bit disconcerting too!!

It's amazing what anxiety can do to us.

Hope the AntiBs help.


04-04-11, 19:25
It's really getting to me now.
It feels like a massive amount of air stuck just beneath my ribs/top of my stomach.
It's horrible, I've tried everything, hot water bottles, massaging, cold, gaviscon. It just won't budge once it comes, when I burp my food or acid comes up :( x

04-04-11, 19:45
hi thank you for your replies .its a awfull feeling and at leat i no its not just me.I just feel like i need to burp all the time its really uncomfortable and every time i eat its worse hate it.thank you again kind regards molly

05-04-11, 11:21
I got this a few years ago when I was going through a really anxious time , Dr put me on a strong course of tabs for dispraxia for about a month and it went away. So if the anti bs dont work maybe sugest it might be wind ( which is a main symptom of anxiety ) and get these tabs. Unfortunatly can't remember what they were called. But they were great xxx

01-07-12, 23:39
I'm just seeing this now - 5 years later! Just wanted to say that I had the same thing. I went to the doc because I had heart palpitations - scary. I live in Switzerland where the health service is very expensive, but brilliant. Doc immediately did a chest X-ray and there was a massive ball of air at entrance (or exit - can't remember which) to stomach. I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. It was literally bumping against the heart, causing the palpitations. He told me the ball of air was most likely caused by an intolerance to dairy products and advised me to lay off them for 3 weeks. I did - problem vanished.

02-07-12, 22:22
Jackie, I'm going to try that! Sounds exactly like my symptoms.

05-07-12, 19:37
Have had a similar thing but with the air bubble higher up - near neck/throat, am currently taking Omeprazole for a month as doctor said it was GERD/reflux problem and its 80% better already.

10-07-12, 14:53

I have this problem but more under my left rib!


09-09-12, 09:36
Any tips how to get rid of this I have it 24/7. I wake up with it & it feels worse when my stomachs empty and hungry
