View Full Version : bad axsaity

03-04-11, 18:37
hi im stuart i suffer with really bad anxsity fort i would write on here cause everyone that i talk to just thinks im a hydrcondriac andf wont listen ive been suffering for the last 3 months im on diazapam and have really bad musle tention im usely really bubbly person but at the moment im not i find it hard to go to work cause i wake up and cant move ive been doctors and had blood tests conviced myself that i have sumthing seriously wrong with me i stilll do and also i think bout dieing alot to witch is really bad i try go out but i end up getting blury eyes and really bad woblyness pluss dizzyness same thing is thereanyone else feeling like this please help x

03-04-11, 18:39
Hi stubie9000

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-04-11, 21:05
i aslo get really bad pain on my rihght upper side when i tence its really sharp and hurts and have no strengh antwhere please help