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View Full Version : Venlafaxine withdrawel

03-04-11, 20:34
Hi everyone, i have just signed up here.
I have been on Venlafaxine for about 7 years now, up until 6 months ago i was on 75mg daily, then i managed to drop it to 37.5mg daily. (That was a tough week! :ohmy:)
I got sick and tired of feeling fuzzy headed, tired and detached all the time on these drugs, which is why i decided to start the long hard road to being drug free.

Anyway, last week i decided it was time to kick them once and for all so i went to see my Dr. He advised me to skip a pill every other day for a week, and then stop completely.
Today is the second time i have not taken one, and i feel i cant go on anymore.
I feel horrendous, i keep breaking down in tears, its just horrible!
I cant describe to my wife how im feeling because i just dont know how to :weep:

I'm desperate to get off these pills, but i feel i cant do it this way.
I have read about people going onto Fluoxetine/Prozac and withdrawing from that. Apparently because of the longer half life the withdrawal symptoms arent nearly as bad. I did mention this to my Dr but he dismissed it.
I have scoured the internet trying to find help, i feel stuck in a trap that i cant get out of...
Not sure why i have posted here, im sorry to go on but i really dont know what else to do.

03-04-11, 21:07
try paxilprogress.org....the site is primarily for paxil (seroxat) withdrawal, but they also cater for venlafaxine.

03-04-11, 21:14
Firstly, welcome Brit - I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.

I think your doc's approach stinks, to be frank. Venlafaxine has a very short half-life (as you probably know), hence it's metabolised and excreted from the body very quickly. This is why its withdrawal symptoms (or psycho-speak: 'discontinuation symptoms') are renowned for being so harsh (even the XR version). Skipping a day to slowly reduce and discontinue is OK for drugs with long half-lives (eg fluoxtine) but asking for trouble with venlafaxine. It's best to take it at the usual times, but gradually reducing, rather than letting your body go into a constant withdrawal cycle.

Fluoxetine sometimes helps but only after you've gradually tapered to a very low dose and then completely withdrawn, as there can be interactions between the two meds.

Go back to your doc and explain that skipping a day is making you feel worse and if necessary get a referral to see a psychiatrist who will be more qualified to help you.

I hope you feel better soon. I was on Seroxat for 7 years and coming off it was a nightmare - so I understand how you feel.

05-04-11, 16:15
Thank you guys.
I have been to see another GP today, as im going downhill quite rapidly. I've had 3 panic attacks today, one of them was actually in the Dr's surgery - at least they know im not lying about them now! :wacko:

This Dr actually seemed to listen to me. I have been given some Prozac and told to alternate these with the venlafaxine every other day for 2 weeks and then go back to see her.
Ive also been given Diazapam for the panics, but im loath to take them unless i really need to.

I cant believe how this drug has completely taken over my life, i live, breathe and sleep trying to get free of them, and i wish i had never started them all those years ago (although i guess they did lift me out of a very dark place).
When i am finally off them i swear to god im going to do my best to help others get free of them too, this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do.
Thanks for your support.

05-04-11, 20:02
I spent a couple of years on VFX at a pretty high dose (300mg) and coming off it was pretty horrible so I sympathise a lot. It DOES get easier though. I've been off them completely for about a month now and the withdrawal has gone.

Hang in there, it gets easier and easier as the time ticks by :)

06-04-11, 09:17
Thanks deepreason, how did you manage to get withdraw from them?

08-04-11, 01:01
Do it slowly, don't start making the next reduction in does until you feel solid on the previous one.
I found exercise helped a lot, as did have my room filled with tea tree / eucalyptu vapours from one of those burner things.
I also have a supportive family around me which helps.

I totally agree about the alternating days advice being complete rubbish. VFX has suxh a short half life that all you do is give yourself multiple withdrawals from it. I thin there has to come a point where you can't reduce the dose any lower so you have to says "sod it" and just go for it. Expect some horrible weeks but they do pass eventually.

It can take months and months after you've totally quit though before all the residual symptoms go away, but these are just minor niggles and not worth worrying about.

08-04-11, 01:24
Hi. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time coming off your meds. When my boyfriend was coming off Venlafaxine he was told to take a lower dose each day because of the half shelf life. Please don't be scared to take Diazepam when you have a panic attack. I know it has a bad press but it's harmless if used wisely. Taking the odd Diazepam to relieve panic attacks when you're coming off another drug won't lead to addiction. And I speak from experience. Diazepam is only addictive if used non stop over a period of several weeks, and even then I've had no problems coming off it myself.

Good luck. I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

08-04-11, 10:33
Thanks for your help guys, it is comforting to know that there are people out there who understand.

Well, progress report. I decided to not alternate between the 2 drugs, and just start on the Prozac.
I'm on day 3 now, and to be honest i'm very surprised at how i'm feeling.
Minimal Venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms!
Im very light headed and spaced out, but its nowhere near the hell that taking nothing is like.

Obviously i'm taking it 1 day at a time, but so far i'm feeling very positive.
The first day was harder, but yesterday i managed to go out for a walk, i'm feeling calmer and that maybe, just maybe, there is hope.
I will update this thread daily and let you know how i am getting on.
Thanks again.

08-04-11, 15:24
Not sure if your ultimate goal is to withdraw the prozac as well or if you're happy on that one now, but if you do it's worth knowing that prozac is available in liquid form. This makes it easy to do reductions in really small steps by using a syringe to measure out your dose.

When the time comes, ask your doctor about getting the liquid form then you can follow a really smooth curve as you titrate down the dose.

Well done for making the switch though. Getting off VFX can be horrible so kudos for what you've achieved :)

09-04-11, 08:12
Thanks deepreason :)
My goal is to use the Prozac as a stepping stone to get off anti's totally.
I think im going to take the Prozac for a week or two then then taper down - i just hope im right in thinking its not as hellish as Venlafaxine to taper off!

11-04-11, 21:46
Quick update - I'm definatley feeling better. I managed to go shopping with my wife earlier, had no panic attacks and haven felt as light headed these past couple of days.

I'm so glad i kept pestering my Dr to let me try prozac.
I think im going to give it another few days then taper down to 10mg per day.

All in all, so far so good!

18-04-11, 13:19
Unfortunatley i have gone downhill a bit.
I'm having lots of panic attacks (today feels like one continuous one )
My neck and throat are really swollen and my brain feels like its shrunk and is really hurting.
Lots of tears and despair, i feel im going nuts and i dont know who i am anymore.
Im going to see my Dr later, although i dont know what he will be able to do - i dont trust them anymore.

In short, im terrified.

19-04-11, 00:12
It's never a smooth ride, there will be big ups and downs. Just try and look back to where you where 2 weeks ago, 2 months go, 6 months ago etc and see the trend.

Hang in there, sounds like you've got the will power to win.

19-04-11, 22:29
Thanks deepreason.

I hate to come on here and winge, but i really dont know what to do.
My instincts are telling me the Fluoxetine are doing me more harm than good and i would be better off without it.

But, its been only 2 weeks since my last Venlafaxine, so am i feeling discontinuation from that or side effects from the Fluoxetine?? Or both?

I feel my Dr's are well out of their depth with helping me, all they seem to want to do is keep me on pills for the rest of my life.
I am seriously considering trying to contact the psychiatric ward of my nearest hospital - but then i worry about being admitted but not let out.

19-04-11, 22:44
Thanks deepreason.

I hate to come on here and winge, but i really dont know what to do.
My instincts are telling me the Fluoxetine are doing me more harm than good and i would be better off without it.

But, its been only 2 weeks since my last Venlafaxine, so am i feeling discontinuation from that or side effects from the Fluoxetine?? Or both?

I feel my Dr's are well out of their depth with helping me, all they seem to want to do is keep me on pills for the rest of my life.
I am seriously considering trying to contact the psychiatric ward of my nearest hospital - but then i worry about being admitted but not let out.

I sympathise Brit, it must be a nightmare, but hang in there because, trust me, it will gradually get easier. You're probably experiencing discontinuation symptoms from venlafaxine and some start-up side effects from fluoxetine. The good news is that fluoxetine can be discontinued abruptly as it has a long half-life.

Personally, I would give it a few more days, and if you still feel awful, come off fluoxetine. It is a very activating med and in some people it exacerbates/mimics panic. Make another appointment with your GP and explain exactly how you feel and that you can't go on like this.

Remember, it will get better.

06-06-11, 08:27
just what i needed to hear about this drug. i have a very close friend who is on a high dose and she lost her pills on thursday last week. not a good idea to go cold turkey. i tried to tell her go drs and its been a terrible time this weekend. she got shakes, sweating, panic attacks, spaced out. i managed to talk her through it and today im taking her to the doctors and hope they give her meds today. im not certain but i think she told me her dose was 200mg a day. i know i shouldnt have but when it got rough when talking failed i gave her a 5ml liquid stelazine as i take it for panic. i cant wait to get home to tell her. hugssssssssssssssssssss