View Full Version : Hi I am new

03-04-11, 22:38
Arent we all :p

I basically found this tonight.. searching for some kind of comfort for the symptoms Im feeling right now

My name is Kiki, Im 22 and am an animal care student..part time model..
But the point is, I suffer from this anxiety, panic attacks, depression, low self esteem, self harm, ect ect ect ect ! So I decided to join this site.

Is it normal to feel constant anxiety symptoms even if not actually having a panick attack?

for example:

thingling arms, feet , face , lips
Heart palpitations
Muscle spasms/twinges
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Tightness of chest and stomache

Sorry just a quick question haha

I hope I can find some answers here and make some friends,
Im not good at making ones in real life , so might as well try online

03-04-11, 22:40
Hi FluffyPinkPain

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-04-11, 22:43
yer its the same as what i get i dont get panic attaks but have bad chest pains and dizzyness like feelin drunk when u walk but ur not do u get this all the time x

Vanilla Sky
04-04-11, 00:11
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

04-04-11, 01:13
hi if u wanna tak message me on here!!
and yes trust me i suffer anxiety and its bloody horrible,and i get all the symptoms you said/ xx

04-04-11, 01:59
welcome to nmp hunni ...

04-04-11, 06:04
Hey Kiki i'm new as well i just registered about 10 mins ago and put up my first post. I suffer from panic disorder and agoraphobia so i can relate to what you are going through. Check my profile out and message me if you'd like. I hope we can help each other and overcome these stressful situations together. God bless!!!

04-04-11, 13:44
Hi Kiki

I'm also new here :) Just wanted to say that I also experience those symptoms you listed there when I am not having a panic attack x

04-04-11, 19:34
i have the same feelings mine is generalized anxiety which means i have the feelings all the time

29-04-11, 23:45
Yep...all of those, and I found the site today.....what a relief.......

Doesn't take the feelings away, but makes them more bearable knowing others feels the same.

Even looking through the forum this afternon has brought some relaxation.