View Full Version : feet and hands

03-04-11, 23:12
does anyone get little pains in there feet and hands? very strange im trying to stay calm tonight :) .. so not lettin it get to me .. but there under my feet and on the sides and on the palm of my hands.. just need to know if i should be worried guys x

04-04-11, 21:50
dont be worried, i get them, as well as lots of other symptoms! although its painful, try occupy urself. you will feel better

05-04-11, 11:26
thanks princess :) lol .. iv had a few good days where the pains are still here but im tryin my best to ig nore them .. its workin a treat but how long wil it last :( .. x

05-04-11, 12:30
It will last a bit, i had them really bad over xmas, it took about 5 weeks to go! you get symptoms in stages with anxiety. thats why i know when some things are anxiety as if your not thinking about it the pain lies low if you know what i mean.