View Full Version : Anyone pulled a muscle in their neck? What does it feel like?

04-04-11, 00:30
A couple of hours a go I had neck pain, which is still here. It feels a little swollen and is more of a discomfort instead of pain. It kinda of feels like a lump in there.

It doesnt feel like its inside the throat, more outside of the neck, only on the right side about half way down.

Pulled muscle or something else?

I am waiting to have some teeth out due to decay and doc said look out for infection, I have checked for lumps and bumps around gums and found none, also feel any pain in teeth or gums or anywhere around there, only half way down neck.

04-04-11, 02:04
I had something like this last week. The only way I could get it out was to have a massage therapist rub it out. It literally felt like a huge lump, and when I would touch it it would make my head hurt sometimes

04-04-11, 09:33
I've (at least I think I have) pulled my neck before. Never gotten a bump, it usually just hurts to turn it for a day or two, and sometimes causes a bit of upper back pain.

05-04-11, 11:24
Are you sure its not a swollen gland? A couple of weeks ago I woke with a feelin glike I'ld pulled my neck and it was very sore and I found a lump which turned out to be a swollen gland, I couldn't move my neck properly either and was so worried but after a couple of days it went, I must have just had a mild infection. xxx

05-04-11, 14:42
I pulled my neck somehow last night when sleeping. Today it feels really tense and runs down to my shoulder. I started getting a droning noise each time I tried to settle on pillow, just when I moved my head a certain way :huh:

macc noodle
05-04-11, 14:55
Piers - I have had a muscle pull in neck now for about a month (eeek it does hurt!) - and it has now given me almighty headaches up the back of my head :mad:

My neck feels very tender to touch on one side and then every so often it almost goes into spasm - there is a hardness to the muscle too. Is that anything like yours?

Anyway - you are not alone - hope you are feeling better now!
