View Full Version : no toilet causes panick ???

04-04-11, 00:48
well i get anxiety over nearly everything i do,but one thing that makes me panick is if i need to use the toilet and there is none cloe by me.does anyone else suffer this and how do you cope?
i dont have IBS or anything,its just somethin i worry about.Also its worse when in a car on a motorway i ALWAYS get panick attacks as i know there is none near by...

what should i do?

04-04-11, 03:30
Have you ever actually needed one when you're miles away from one? My suggestion would be to keep saying to yourself you have no need to worry because you've never been caught short before and even if you did, there are always places such as pubs, service stations etc that will have one. Failing that, there's always some woods! In other words, there's always a safety net to remind yourself about.

Also though, if you know you're going on a long journey or going to be out for a long time where toilets maybe some way away, just don't drink anything just before you leave. That way you won't get any feelings that might trigger the worry of needing a loo.:hugs:

04-04-11, 03:52
Hi. This is actually quite a common cause of agoraphobia. More people than you realise are terrified of losing control in a public place. My counsellor told me that in CBT they tell patients to go into town on a busy day and then pour a bottle of water over themselves so it looks as if they have wet themselves. Then the patient has to walk around town and watch the reactions of others. The idea is that the patient realises that even if they appear to have wet themselves, nothing bad actually happens. Apparently nobody really notices or pays any attention to it! I'm not suggesting that you try this but I would definitely recommend that you see a counsellor who can help you work through your fears. Good luck. :flowers: