View Full Version : As cliche as it may sound...i am also new here

04-04-11, 05:59
My name is Anthony Xavier Lopez and I have been diagnosed with panic disorder along with agoraphobia. I am a 20 year old male and i reside in Bronx, NY. I'll be 21 on July 7th and i hope to enter adulthood with as little fear and phobias as possible. Feel free to reply i am here to make friends, to seek help and to help others. God bless you all may you find peace and don't forget to have faith that things will get better!!!

04-04-11, 06:09
Hi anthonyxlopez070790

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-04-11, 06:52
Welcome to the site- it sounds like you have a positive attitude. That's a must when dealing with anxiety.

04-04-11, 07:12
Thank you so much Diane and Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just knowing that I'm not alone and that there are people all over the world who are willing to help who understand and relate to what i go through is a relief and a feeling of comfort!!! I hope that we can be good friends and that ill hear from you guys again!!! God bless!!!

04-04-11, 11:15
Hi Anthony :welcome:. You should read the articles on the left of the page for starters xx

Vanilla Sky
04-04-11, 11:35
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

04-04-11, 16:25
Hi Anthony

Sending you a big Welcome to NMP :welcome:. Hope you will find this site useful and can make some new friends. My name is Anita and I suffer with depression and anxiety.


05-04-11, 05:45
You guys are great!!! thanks for taking some time to read my post and give some positive feedback!!!! I'm loving this site already!!! :)
thanks to anita, paige and jane c.