View Full Version : Feeling horrible once again!

Two heads
10-04-06, 14:44
Hi!Im feeling horrible once again,ive panick trying to come back and every pain theres something seriously wrong.Ive been on citalopram for six weeks and have been feeling great entil the week end and i seem to have gone back a step!Im only taking 10mg.I feel dizzy today and just scared again.Whats going on?xx

10-04-06, 15:02

Did something happen to cause any anxiety? Have you contacted you GP? I would at least call the GP and state your symtoms. I'm not familiar with the dosage and for your medicine but from what you say I assume it is the lowest dosage you can take. Also, are you only taking meds? Maybe you might need counseling in addition? There also might be some good books to read posted in Book Swap that you might could get. Just a thought. Don't know your whole situtaion.


10-04-06, 15:18
i know how hard this fear is bong, and have no answers as i too feel this afraid almost all of the time

i can tell you though that i have felt dizzy all day and fear it terribly but i too know that many on this site suffer from it on a daily basis and that it is a classic sign of anxiety

i really hope this helps

you are not alone


Two heads
10-04-06, 15:24
Hi bel!I havet been the same since i had baby ruby in may last year,I frist got bad in december.It could also be problems relateing back to a couple of years ago.Went to see doc week befor last and felt fine on meds,was great,back to normal.May be its hormones.I will have alook in in book swap thanks.Yes 10mg is alow dose.Just that when i think im just feeling better i have a blip!xx

10-04-06, 15:28

I feel exactly the same as you.
I have had 3 really good weeks, and today I feel really poo.
Had a terrible weekend with a massive row with family etc and now feel pants.
Just feel like crying, my headpains are back and i feel on the edge of panic constantly.

Just when I thought I was doing so well.
all I can say is your not alone, and Like me try and distract yourself with little jobs to take your mind off things. I keep telling myself that it is naturel to have blips you cant be 100% immediately things do take time!
I am repeating this to myself at the moment like a mantra.....good job its in my head or my work collegues would think I was a right nutter.....lol

I really hope our weeks get better.


Hay x

Two heads
10-04-06, 15:31
Hi jackie!It is so horrid isnt it!We all just want to feel normal again and we caut.That dizzy feeling is horrible.I do feel tired today as well .School hoildays ive found hard work with my son this year.He has gone to stay with my sister today for afew days.I hope your not feeling to bad.lThanks for the surportxx

Two heads
10-04-06, 15:39
Hi hayles!you did make me laugh just then with good job its in your head all people will think your a nutter,i can so relate to that!Sorry to hear you are feeling just like me,i will try to tell myself its naturel to have blips.We feel so good one min then the gremlin comes back with a vengence.Are you on meds?Thanksxx

10-04-06, 15:53

Has anybody thought that it could be post partum depression? I think that could also include anxiety. It can last years I've heard. I would definately get my hormones checked. I also agree it is anxiety, unfortunately just because we are on meds we still get bad days sometimes. Glad you have help with your son, always nice to have support.


10-04-06, 15:53
I know those bloody gremlins
i have got terrible tummy ache today and all i keep thinking is
oh know whats that is it serious. My boyf says its just stress....you think I believe him.....of course not!

I am on AD's Amitripaline (spelt wrong) 10mg.
A very low dose but helping in some ways I think. I also have councelling at the mo which i find very hard work.
Just hope his feeling passes.

My sisters are coming to stay for a few days so that should hopefully occupy me, or stress me out, hopefully not the latter.

Enjoy your few days off from your son.....a few days pampering should be well recieved me thinks.

keep smiling or we will be crying....lol!

Hay x

10-04-06, 18:29
Hiya Hun

Sorry to hear you are feeling horrible but remember thats its only a little blip & it will pass (even thought it probably does'nt feel like it at pres)

It will take time for the tablets to start working properly but they will i promise you, i am currently on the same ones myself.

Take Care



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But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Two heads
10-04-06, 19:27
Thanks alexandra!Be good if i had you all in the same room as me why i feel like this.I wont give up on these tablets,ive gone to far now with thw sideaffects!I will try and tell myself its just a blip,and they will start working properly.you sound like you are doing well,its good to no.xxxx