View Full Version : Help with dizziness/lightheadedness

10-04-06, 15:10
I experience dizziness/lightheadedness or as i read on this forum before, a feeling of unsteadiness. I also get funny headaches from this, and i feel like i have a build-up of air in my chest which i need to release by belching. Does anyone have any advice on how to help combat these symptoms?

10-04-06, 15:20
the only true way to get rid of the symptoms of anxiety is to stop fearing them. it is such a hard thing to do and i have never really been able to master it, but if you have ever read claire weekes books you will know it is the only way

i hope this helps and if you want to know about the claire weekes books feel free to pm me


10-04-06, 15:55
Hi Ady379

I get this everyday too, even the trapped wind feeling in my chest, which I often think is my heart (Health anxiety) I do find that drinking Carbonated Water helps a bit.

Do you get lightheaded even when your in bed? I don't, it just starts as soon as I get up in the morning & lasts nearly all day. Do you feel faint at all? I do, but never have!

..... Cath x

10-04-06, 16:54

I have this too - its awful

For the trapped wind try peppermint tea - if no relief then speak to your GP I am on tablets which have helped tremendously (Zoton) I only take them when symptoms are really bad and I cant get rid of the indigestion and I know what you mean when u feel your cant get a breath with it.

As for the dizziness - I have had this feeling for years. I find it could be due to muscular tension in the neck and shoulders. Try massaging neck area. Also certain types of medication can have dizziness as a side effect but it is nothing to worry about. The more we give something credit the more it perseveres. Are you eating properly and drinking plenty of water?

Take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

11-04-06, 10:03
The trapped wind is quite minimal to be honest. It's more the dizziness feeling that gets to me. I do eat fine and drink plenty of water. The only thing which seems to stop it is not thinking about it but its a vicious circle which you can't get out of sometimes. I'll try the massaging technique. I've heard a lot about these relaxation CD's - where would i get one of them from?


12-04-06, 13:45
Hi again Ady, I did ask in my last message to you ..... Do you get lightheaded even when your in bed? I don't, it just starts as soon as I get up in the morning & lasts nearly all day. Do you feel faint at all? I do, but never have!

Have you had your ears checked out too?

Cath x

12-04-06, 15:43
Hey Cath, no i dont feel the lightheadedness while in bed or sitting down nor do i feel faint just unstabble/unbalanced.

12-04-06, 16:30
Were you giddy or lightheaded? Giddy (which I've been told ) is usually when you have a sensation of the room spinning & could mean you have an imbalance in the ear. Just a thought!

Cath x

12-04-06, 17:19
no i've never been 'giddy' if that means the rooms spinning, only when i'm drunk lol. the feeling i get is a feeling of unsteadiness, bobbing around, swaying, and like when you step on an escalator when its not working (explaination which i read on this forum). i have started to consider the possibility of an inner ear inbalance, anythings possible i guess.