View Full Version : Trying to make it through

04-04-11, 21:09
Hi everyone,

i have been dealing with severe anxiety and panic attacks for the past few months, and recently it has become so overwhelming that I can barely get out of bed. I wake up every morning feeling so nauseous, heart racing, and I am constantly trembling!!! It's the trembling that's the worst. I recently started a new and very stressful job that I'm not sure is for me, and I fear that I am close to getting let go.

I have been given 10 mgs of lexapro and some xanax for when things really get bad. I am just starting the lexapro and I'm not sure if it's the medication that is making me feel so awful or the anxiety. The worst part of that is the nausea I just can't eat!

I want so badly to get better and be my old self. I feel like this is all just so overwhelming and I am at my wit's end. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel???

thanks for reading- rachel

04-04-11, 21:11
Hi Rachelcop

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
04-04-11, 21:12
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

04-04-11, 21:29
Thanks everyone-- does anyone else experience the anxiety worst in the mornings? I feel as though by nighttime I'm almost normal again.

paula lynne
04-04-11, 23:01
Hi, a belated welcome Rachel. Lots of people here get anxiety badly in the morning, and feel better towards evening, its not uncommon x:welcome:

04-04-11, 23:03
Thank you, Paula!

I'm not sure if it's the new medication causing side effects, or my own mind telling myself that mornings are bad. Probably a combination of both...

It's just so hard to get out of bed sometimes! I called in sick to work today because my heart was just pounding so fast and my chest was burning :(

paula lynne
04-04-11, 23:11
Probably a combination. Try to adjust your morning routine......as soon as your alarm goes off....jump in the shower, then while your kettle boils put on the radio and have a good sing song (releases tension and gets you to laugh at yourself)......notice the little things....the sunshine, the birds, how good the coffee is...look for the positives. Count your blessings. When you are at work, really BE there, 100%. When those doubts creep in, tell yourself.."I'll handle it!" and you will handle it!

When the anxiety is bad...accept that beating heart and burning chest as a SENSATION of anxiety that wont harm you. Take it WITH you on your work day. But pay it less and less attention. Soon enough, it will get bored with you, and its power will diminish! It sure wont like you changing your morning routine! x

05-04-11, 00:15
Thank you so much Paula, I will try that, starting tomorrow!

I never thought that it could be so hard to get out of bed- but when I wake up feeling so awful I just freeze and stay there for hours waiting for it to pass- it never does!

05-04-11, 11:05
Paula ths is fantastic advice

Probably a combination. Try to adjust your morning routine......as soon as your alarm goes off....jump in the shower, then while your kettle boils put on the radio and have a good sing song (releases tension and gets you to laugh at yourself)......notice the little things....the sunshine, the birds, how good the coffee is...look for the positives. Count your blessings. When you are at work, really BE there, 100%. When those doubts creep in, tell yourself.."I'll handle it!" and you will handle it!

I find it SO hard to get up in the mornings, but will definitely be trying this tomorrow!! you are such an inspiration lady x x

paula lynne
05-04-11, 11:22
Aww dont start Amber you'll start me off again :blush::hugs:Hope it helps you love x

Rachelcop-keep us updated. We are with you all the way!:D

05-04-11, 16:47

I did what you said this morning, and I managed to eat breakfast for the first time in weeks! Small victory!!

But I still woke up trembling... It seems as though whatever I'm laying on at the time, whether it be back, side or front, whenever i wake up it is vibrating. Won't go away until i get out of bed. What is this??? It happens every single morning!

I have my first session of CBT scheduled for Saturday. I'm putting a lot of hope into it!

paula lynne
05-04-11, 19:13
Well done on eating breakfast.x
Anxiety can affect any part of the body, some experience trembling/shaking, others get dizzyness as a main symptom, others have problems with palpatations........

Ok, so you have problems with this vibrating. By now, as you wake, its probably the first thing you think of. That immediately sets you off in an anxiety pattern if you lay there and worry. So for now, as soon as you wake, and you feel it, get up and out bed and start your day without dwelling on it. This is the key. You must accept this is anxiety ok. Please keep in touch on this thread, Id be interested to know how your CBT goes. Best wishes xxx

06-04-11, 09:50
the worst thing is starting meds. if your like me you will read the sheet that tells you all the side effects and then you proobably convince yourself you will have them. dont get me wrong. you will have side effects for the first few weeks but it will get better with time. :)

06-04-11, 16:29

Yes of course that is exactly what I did. I'm also an extreme google-er, which certainly didn't help.

Does anyone know why mornings are worse as far as anxiety for some of us? I take my meds in the afternoon so it couldn't be them. It's crazy to see my posts at night compared to mornings, at night I'm always optimistic and happy, mornings, like now- not so much!!