View Full Version : Hello - introducing myself

04-04-11, 21:30

I just joined NMP after my husband said that I should try a forum site to try and help me cope with my anxiety and low self esteem.

I've always suffered with low self esteem but it all seemed to hit an all time low when I gave birth to my daughter last year. After two and a half years of fighting infertility, I fell pregnant to go and an experience a terrible pregnancy due to gallstones being misdiagnosed as a hernia. I gave birth to a beautiful girl but was quite ill post birth. The first 3 months of her life I was in and out of hospital quite ill and requiring two operations.

Since then I have had serious problems with anxiety which has come out in the form of me thinking my husband is having an affair, and for no good reason. The constant questioning and accusations has nearly cost me my marriage. My husband has been very tolerant of this behaviour as he has suffered anxiety in the past but even he can't cope with the constant questioning anymore.

We're still together and we love each other but I need to find a way of trying to keep my fear and anxiety at a bay. Any thoughts/tips on strategies to help?

Thanks x

04-04-11, 21:31
Hi strength

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-04-11, 21:39
Hi Strength

A huge congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

I too have always suffered with anxiety ect and was particularly bad after the birth of my son 12 years ago now.

It's very common for your mood to plummet after the birth of a child. Please talk to your health visitor about this as they can be a massive support during this time.

Please don't feel like you are on your own because i promise you you're not.

You will get so much support here hun and i hope we can help.

Best wishes


04-04-11, 21:46
Thanks Lisa.

The health visitors have been amazing and I have been very lucky to have such a supportive team on hand. I have been to councelling for the third time which hasn't helped and I am being assessed later this week for CBT or another programme that might be beneficial for me.

I'm just worried that I'm not going to be able to change my mind set and this 'new' me is going to be here forever. I just want to go back to the old me where I felt more secure generally.


04-04-11, 22:01
Awww hun, trust me, you CAN go back. Even better, you can go back with your lovely partner and daughter.

I am so glad you have a good support system. That's something we all need now and again so grab it whilst you need it

We are here for you too


paula lynne
04-04-11, 22:59
Hi strength, welcome to the forum, good to have you with us.:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
05-04-11, 16:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

05-04-11, 21:15
welcome you may find that youy hormones are all over the place as youy have only just given birth. having a baby ius a stressfull event as it is please try to relax and enjoy your baby and husband the doctors health vistors are all there to help do ytou have family and friends to support you hope you feel better soon if yoy want to talk pm me thanks#