View Full Version : Going away with work :-s

04-04-11, 23:31

I suffer from anxiety which varies in severity but is always there in some form.

I have been given an oppurtunity to go away abroad with work. I really dont want to miss out on this oppurtunity but in the past when I have been away with my work my anxiety goes through the roof !

Can anybody relate to this ? . . . I take 5htp which seems to help but is not a cure.

I am scared that if I do go my anxiety will be unbearable and it will be a constant struggle, especially tryin to hide it from my boss and colleagues.

I have had beta blockers prescribed before but didnt find them to helpful.

I welcome anybodys opinions on similar situations


05-04-11, 08:51
Hi CSI I can totally relate to your anxiety problem's,just a few months ago I could'nt even leave the house,and had to give up my job because of anxiety and deppression, everywhere i went I thought i was going to pass out because of my anxiety, and like you tried beta blockers but they made me even more sleepy, I now use medication, which i am not suggesting you do, but with the help of that and a very good relaxation cd, i can now function normally, i still have some anxiety but what i want to say to you is that when you do something, and get through it without anything terrible happening, it does become easier, please don't miss out on your trip, and when you have done it, it will become easier and you will have taken another hugh step. However if this is becoming too much of a problem perhaps you should speak to your gp, who may be able to help in the short term, good luck.:hugs: