View Full Version : Did I hit someone?

05-04-11, 00:24
Hello everyone. My anxiety levels are sky high at the moment and I guess I need some advice. Nearly a year ago I was driving and because the sun was so low in the sky, I was driving blinded. I slowed right down and tried to drive as carefully as I could. I am now worried that I may have hit someone. I didn't feel or hear anything that would suggest I hit someone, but I am still obssessing over this. If Ihit someone, even at slow speeds, I would feel or hear something right? Please help me combat these thoughts as they are making me quite distressed. By the way, I also suffer from OCD and my current obssession is accidentally hitting someone without realizing. I think this is why I haven't worried about this incident until now. Looking forward to your replies. xx

05-04-11, 09:06
I can maybe help out with this - it sounds to me as though your chances of having hit anybody are zero.

If you've ever been in a car that's hit something, even something as small as a bird, the noise is huge as basically it's the sound of an object hitting a metal box.

Also, hitting even fairly small objects will dent your car - things don't merely bounce off without leaving a mark. The larger the object, the bigger the dent - one of my friends once hit a deer and it completely wrecked the front of his car.

12-04-11, 22:20
You didn't hit someone. As blueangel has said, if you hit something even as small as a bird, you will definitely know- the sound is unmistakeable and surprisingly loud. I hit a magpie on a slip road and it's really surprising how loud it is.



12-04-11, 23:28
Im pretty sure you would know if you'd hit something. You have to look at it rationally, as the the others have said you would know if you'd hit something because there would be evidence for it, there is no physical evidence that you hit anything so take comfort in that. Have you read any books on ODC/Obsessional thoughts? Maybe you could try some self help CBT techniques to help you with these types of thoughts? x

12-04-11, 23:58
I once hit and killed a black dog in the dark. I knew right away I had hit something bigger.

You did not hit a creature. Take care.

16-04-11, 21:01
hun if u hit someone you know it x

16-04-11, 21:08
You need to recognize this thought for the delusion it is.
it is also common wit OCD and can be treated with therapy and CBT.

"A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture."