View Full Version : So sick of people telling me I've lost weight

05-04-11, 13:41
It just makes me panic even more! People keep saying "god, you've lost loads of weight". I think they must be thinking that I look awful and I'm terminally ill. As soon as they say it, I start getting panicky and feeling a rush of adrenaline and thinking oh my god, they think I'm dying.

I had fbc in December and had gastroscopy in February, they think it's anxiety. But I'm down to 6.5 stone (but I'm only 5 feet tall).

Does anyone else get this? What do I say when people keep saying I've lost weight?

05-04-11, 14:20
i had that too but i am not that light, it does get annoying i started to panic too.

05-04-11, 14:40
I lost 3 stones in about 15 months..anxiety and eating half of what I used to.

05-04-11, 14:53
Me!! It puts the fear in me and my mind starts going over time! Thinking why have I lost weight.. Am u dying?!? It's just exhausting.

05-04-11, 22:12
I always lose weight when I'm going through an anxious period because I can barely eat. Like you I hate it when people comment on it as it raises my anxiety even more. Sometimes I try to prempt the comments by saying, yes, I've lost weight, I'm going through one of my hells again, I shall regain it when this period is over, Strange but this can really help...it feels that I'm being really honest with others, and, more importantly, with myself.


05-04-11, 22:59
whats your bmi? Are you underweight?
I lost a stone but was still in the normal weight range,
personally it was only women with a bit of weight on them selves that made the worst comments.
I became really insecure about my weight, i covered up so people wouldn't see how thin I was.
It made me angry when this one obese nurse asked if i ate food!
I would never point out anyone weight under or overweight,
It's RUDE!
the worst is the "fake" concern while they are looking at you body exclaiming how thin you look.
I'm not sure what you could reply with, I just say my anxiety makes me lose weight.
since I gained some of my weight back, I haven't had any more comments from people.
I guess you could tell people you had the stomach flu or a virus as that involves less explaining.
the comments didn't make me anxious as much as they knocked my confidence and angered me,
always try and eat one healthy meal a day, aim to eat or drink something ever 3 hours too.

05-04-11, 23:49
Same here i lot a lot of weight last year after my mum died and i got HA i stopped eating was always sick had FBC and nothing GP put it down to depression! i am almost back to normal but so slim i went from a 14/16 to a 10 i have just brought my outfit for my sons wedding and its a size 10 people keep saying gosh your so thin you have lost loads of weight andn yes i start to think have i got something wrong with me but try to put it out of my mind other wise i would go mad and my HA would kick off big style.
I now just smile and say oh yes i have lost weight its amazing what a dose of stress does for you !!!