View Full Version : Shots of Adrenaline while sleeping?

11-04-06, 00:31
Hi All,

I am new to this forum and relatively new to panic attacks. About two weeks ago while sleeping, I awoke suddenly at 12:30AM, sitting straight up in bed gasping for a breath. As I looked around the room, I felt dizzy and disoriented. I was also consumed with a feeling of fear of impending doom. I hope this is not too heavy for a first posting.

Since then, I have had similar episodes multiple times throughout the night. Right when I am about to fall asleep, I get a shot of adrenaline and it startles me. I finally get so exausted, I fall asleep for a few hours.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here?

Thanks in advance for your comments.


11-04-06, 00:51
I have never really understood why that happens but it happens to me - it's awful isn't it. I get a phase of it every now and then - can't work out why it starts or stops!!

There are triggers - food, alochol etc... but I've never identified anything specifically in my case.

I hope you manage to get over it soon!

Good luck x

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

11-04-06, 15:03
Your body may be asleep but unfortunately your brain isn't!

I have the same problems from time to time, usually when there's something on my mind. As usual the brain sends inappropriate signals to the body to release the flight/fight response, which only results in the poor body snapping awake and us poor souls gasping for breath and trying to get out bearings.

It's just a normal and episodic panic response which only goes to show how strongly the unconscious body can react to subconscious thoughts.

These epsidoes don't last - I find that nowadays I go back to sleep within seconds.

10-05-06, 22:34

Dora i agree to everything you have said, apart from your last paragraph.

I have suffered with these for the last three years and can have up to 11 a night, and that's with medication.

Morgan, although these episodes are horrid, they are harmless. I live for the day (or should that be night!) when i can have a decent nights sleep for more than a week!

Pm me anytime.
