View Full Version : Still not convinced

05-04-11, 18:13
I posted previously about some stomach issues I,ve been having. Basically nausea,poor appetite,weight loss and some discomfort/pain in lower left abdomen. I,ve also been extremely anxious and depressed since all this started. Anyway I,ve had a gastroscopy,colonoscopy,abdominal and pelvic ct scan,blood tests,urine tests,chest xray in the last month and nothing has shown up. But I still have the symptoms. Consultant never mentioned ibs as a possibility but is this the only possibility at this stage? I feel an improvement since getting test results especially in terms of appetite and I,m making small gains in terms of weight but I still don,t feel right. Consultant reckoned I am suffering from a stress related illness and referred me to a psychiatrist who put me on citalopram and although my mood has lifted somewhat I can,t seem to let go of the fear that something has been missed and I have the big c or something equally awful. It,s like I,m afraid to let go of the fear in case something comes back to bite me later on.
Have any of u been in this situation where you just had to accept test results and just move on?
Also are my symptoms consistent with ibs? In particular do any of you have this discomfort in lower left abdomen/pelvis?
I don't really have constipation or d but I do have loose stools.

05-04-11, 18:44
Yes I have IBS and I have discomfort on my left side quite a bit. It gets really aggravated when I have a poor diet or I am really stressed out. I alternate between the loose stools and constipation (not fun). I also had a crappy consult with the first GI specialist who I was referred to who told me to chill out and eat more fiber. Hopefully your doctors are a little more understanding!!!

It took me a long time to accept the test results I had but taking care of myself as far as diet has really helped. The nausea sucks when it happens but I always keep some ginger tea and stuff around to help relax me and get through it.

05-04-11, 19:06

It defo sounds like IBS to me, I have all of those symptoms when mine flares up. It's very common to have pain in the lower left area, I do often as well as pain up under my left ribs.

Glad to hear you are improving.

K xx

05-04-11, 19:22
am the same ive had all tests that show nothing and doc just said IBS but am still finding it hard to accept its just IBS and keep thinking its something more mine flares up if i eat things like chocolate (which i love) and if am having a bad anxious day it also flares up x