View Full Version : Scared that I'll die young..

05-04-11, 19:51
I've posted alot recently sorry..
I've just finished my period and I've noticed this sends me into hell for 2 wks, roughly before a little bit during and after I feel so anxious, depressed just awful. I have 3 children and they are my life, I'm so scared I'll die young and miss out on so much with them. Sometimes I get so scared that I feel like this because something inside senses I will?!? Is that crazy. I only worry about this during this time of the month. It's so scary it consumes me. Wish my hormones would settle as this is torture.


Lele x

05-04-11, 21:24
hi dont worry its the anxiety,remember its the most evil thing and can make you beleive anything or something is gonna happen when it will not.

05-04-11, 21:42
Go and see your doctor and explain all of this and see what help they can give you.

There are loads of things that can be done

05-04-11, 21:46
I'm not sure if this helps but I was suffering exactly the same thing and was diagnosed with PMDD just over two years ago, it's a severe form of PMS which as well as the physical symptoms can cause depression, anxiety, paranoia, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, all the usual horrible things. Mine would have started about a week before my period and continued for a few days after, about two weeks in total. I was on citalopram and have just recently changed to venlafaxine and I have to say the meds have made a huge different to my life. I no longer fear that 'time of the month'. I know when it's happening but I can manage it and know that it will pass. Sorry for waffling and not sure if this will help but it sounds very similar. Please PM me if you'd like to talk more.
Tina xxx

05-04-11, 21:47
I went today and was offered ssri & birth control both of which I don't want.

Lele x

05-04-11, 21:53
Hi Lele
I understand you not wanting to take anti-depressants, a lot of people feel this way but if they give you a better quality of life with your children, is it not maybe worth it? There's a terrible stigma attached to anti-depressants and there shouldn't be. People think nothing of taking painkillers, antibiotics, blood pressure and cholestrol tablets for all types of illnesses, and yet anxiety and depression is an illness like all the others and there is medication there to help.
Tina x

05-04-11, 22:03
I would recommend the birth control for the period issues.

It is your decision about the SSRI but maybe if you get the PMS under control you will feel better anyway

05-04-11, 22:05
Thanks Tina! I will look into this, I've just read so many scary things about anti ds.. I was put on citilopram 3 years ago for anxiety and I hated it. Um also hypothyroid so taking any other meds scares me. Could this be cause this is only my 4th period since having my son 9 months ago?

How do you cope with ur pmdd? Is citilopram usually the first thing offered?

Lele x

05-04-11, 22:27
Hi Lele
I think it was offered first for a while as it was quite new and had worked for some people but I'm on venlafaxine now, the slow release capsules and they are working great for me. I always had problems with my periods so I've had the mirena coil in for quite a few years, some doctors recommend this for pms/pmdd but to be honest, I already had mine when it started!! It could well be all your hormones getting back to normal if your son is only 9 months old and I'm sure you're exhausted with two other kids aswell!!! Do you mind if I ask how old you are? I'm 37 and was stunned when I found out I had pmdd as I'd never really suffered before but the doc said that it was most common in women in their late 20's up to 30's.
As for coping with it, I think the main thing is getting it under control. At the beginning, it was awful, when i felt myself going down I couldn't remember feeling normal (if that makes sense) and really worried that I'd never get my mood lifted again. But now that it's under control, I can still tell when I'm going into that phase but I can say to myself 'ok, here goes but this is only temporary' and kind of ride through it. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense lol
Love Tina x

05-04-11, 22:33
Hi Tina

Thanx for replying. I'm 28. So what do you suggest I do? I've started taking Vit b6 & evening primrose, I've never had pms like this before, kinda feels like it's taking over and the bad wks out weigh the good. No use when I have a house to run and children to look after.

Lele x

05-04-11, 22:39
Do you not want to try the pill either?

05-04-11, 22:46
That's exactly how I was, my kids are 14 and 16 so a bit easier to look after (sometimes!!). But I'm divorced and work full time so it was really tough at the beginning. I remember sitting watching tv and just thinking that I'd give anything to have nothing go through my mind, even to feel bored, rather than all the awful thoughts spinning. I'd recommend going to see your doctor, it's a really good start that you've tied it into your cycle as it took me ages to figure it out, I was really dozey lol. Tell your doctor how it's tied in and see what they suggest. I know a few people who only have to take the anti-depressants for two weeks every month so that might even work for you. And you never know, they might even have a suggestion which doesn't involve anti-ds at all! Please take care and let me know how you get on and get it touch anytime you feel like a chat.
All my love
Tina xxx

06-04-11, 08:41
I fely exactly the same, and still do sometimes when im on my period or ovulating, in fact i fel a bit odd today and im due to ovulate in 7 days, its a pain in the bum but each month gets easier, im nowhere near as bad now as i used to be, now my hormones seem to be settling down, i dont use birth control either mainly because im scared of adding extra hormones to the ones i have that already make me anxious if that makes sense. i dont take anti'd's either.

06-04-11, 19:32
I'm hypothyroid and it's apparently difficult to find a pill that doesn't distrupt my thyroid levels so not keen on the pill either. Jen how do you get through the month?? Tina Thanx for all your help I went to my dr and she said it had to be the pill or ssri. So not sure what to do really.

Lele x

07-04-11, 06:45
So weird..... I too had thoughts of dying young. I got in my mind I would die on my 25th birthday.I couldnt get it out of my head and started having massive panic attacks. Yes i had young children I too wanted to see grow up... That was when I realised for the first time in my life that I was anxious. Its been a strugle over all these years but I have managed to make it for another 31 years. Its kind of hard being this old... I never planned on making it this long and think of all the times I wasted thinking I was going to die and now at 56 its even easier to worry about it, when in fact ill probally live another 15 years. if Im lucky... lets hope you are smarter than I have been.... good luck to you and hope you feel better soon.

07-04-11, 11:02
Thanx for your message. I'm trying to get on with it, but it's not easy.. Hope your well!

Lele x

07-04-11, 23:39
Hi Lele
How are things? Hope you're feeling a little better. If you ever fancy a chat just pm me.
Tina xx

08-04-11, 00:23
I'm hypothyroid and it's apparently difficult to find a pill that doesn't distrupt my thyroid levels so not keen on the pill either. Jen how do you get through the month?? Tina Thanx for all your help I went to my dr and she said it had to be the pill or ssri. So not sure what to do really.

Lele x

I would recommend the pill and not SSRI's in that case if you really do have to make a choice.

08-04-11, 07:47
Hi Tina

Yesterday I had a awful day could not stop the back to back panic attacks.. The knots in my stomach and nausea were unbearable! And last night I kept waking up with the exact same. Just can't do this anymore.. I know like last month it will hopefully pass soon but when.. And then it's back next month. Do I go on the pill or ssri. I Duno.

Lele x

09-04-11, 22:46
I've had heavy, frequent periods since I was a teenager. I suffered a lot until my GP suggested I visit a Family Planning Clinic. I thought they just dealt with contraception, but they help with heavy periods and PMT too. I've been with them for three years. It's been difficult because I have high blood pressure (probably anxiety related) so I didn't want to be on the pill. The FPC are more experienced than my GP and were able to offer me a wider range of treatments. I'm a lot more comfortable now.

09-04-11, 23:24
Hi Lele
I'm sorry you've had a rough time, it's awful I know. People sometimes think that anti-depressants an extreme solution for PMS but if it's severe, in my experience, they do help. I resisted taking anything at first because I wasn't sure what it was and thought it seemed silly to take anti-d's for pms but when I researched it and realised that pms can be so sever and affect your life so much (feeling awful for two weeks then worrying for another two about it all starting again)I decided it was the best option for me. And I have to be honest and say that it was the best decision, and has totally changed my quality of life. I'm not sure how the pill would help, I already had the mirena coil in when the pms started so the hormones from that obviously weren't helping. It's up to you what you decide and i totally understand if you decide against the anti d's but if you think they will help, i think its a good idea, it has certainly helped me.
Lots of love and hugs
Tina xxx