View Full Version : Risperidone amongst other Things

05-04-11, 21:46
Hello, I have just found out about this forum.

Anyway I am a long term sufferer of anxiety, mainly social anxiety.

I take risperidone which I notice is not mentioned in the medication area on this site and I have not noticed any posts here discussing it.

I take 4mg every night and I think its been wonderful for me, I used to be verbally aggressive towards my mum and my siblings but I am now calm and rational. I also think its lead to a greater feeling of rationality when weighing up things I feel that people have done or said towards me.

However I did take citalopram 20mg for nearly 2 months, I look at all the posts on this forum praising it but I feel it had absolutely zero effect on me. Except I now have this weird perma smile on my face when I'm in the car, with friends and with family. I'm sure it wasnt there before I started taking it and I think its messed me up somewhat.

Would anyone reccomend I give cital another go? Its an anti depressant, Im generally not depressed although I do have occasional episodes which I think are more frequent than most people.

I would like to know what you peoples thoughts are on risperidone, again I think its been great for me but it not being listed on this site has me worried slightly. If you dont know its a anti psychotic and given to treat schizophrenia.

I feel that people are making rude gestures towards me for some reason and also talking between themselves about me, I often have nothing to go on with this but in my head its constantly happening. I understand that talk between people about someone else in the room is not unusual, I however am always certain the talk is very negative and damning.

I look forward to reading your replies, I can also answer any questions you would like to know about risperidone (its great).

05-04-11, 21:53
This is unrelated, but has anyone tried anti anxiety sweets?

I just remember I took some of these before I went on a plane and it lead to a great feeling of calm inside me, I cant remember what theyre called though I'm sure my mum got them from boots the chemist, does anyone know their name as I think it would help me with driving and before I go out the house.

05-04-11, 23:16
Antipsychotics are quite often used in much lower does to treat anxiety, sometimes in conjunction with antidepressants. You mentioned you think people are talking about you etc. Do you think you suffer from paranoia? Have you had a psychiatric assessment or are you treated by your GP?

Haz. x

06-04-11, 10:53
Yes I believe I suffer from paranoia.

I have had CBT counselling and psychiatric counselling and they say I have social anxiety, they suggest I go back to work.

I have a job I can go back to working in a supermarket, but Im frightened by how busy it is and I also feel I cant get along with any of the employees and they will hate on me if Im not mates with them.

Im now looking for work to do with computers but not having any luck getting accepted for interviews, I will probably have to face going back to work in that huge place. I wouldnt mind working in a small corner shop somewhere where I only have to get to know a handful of people and theres not a constant flow of people coming into the shop.

In my old job I ended up with my head down nearly all the time because I was so nervous and expecting the employees to give me gestures.

I also had a job for a while working in the petrol station of the supermarket, I was a bit better at that but there was this old woman who worked there who I hated as she would constantly sit down (she was a bit disabled) and whine at me about what was wrong with the supermarket and about other people.

I would also HATE doing any work like shelf stacking and cleaning which was required as you have to multi task while you work there. I just felt I couldnt get on with the work properly as I felt people were staring at me. I ended up loitering in the stockroom and pretending I was busy just to steal myself away for a few minutes.

I hope I can get a job with computers as I think it needs little communication or I might be wrong.

06-04-11, 21:17
I'm sorry to hear that Eames. It sounds to me like you need more help with your Social Anxiety. I would ask your psychiatrist (if you don't have one ask your GP for a referral) for further treatment as you're still suffering.

Best wishes and Good Luck.

Haz. x

06-04-11, 22:58
Hi Eames,

Little confused, if risperidone is doing a great job why do you want to throw citrolpram into the mix? Citrolpram is a good drug for some but not all, at 20mg I'm barely feeling much effect. I also don't think citrolpram caused your perma-smile car thing as a side note.
Does risperidone help your anxiety or paranoia? Do you take therapy in line with your medication treatment, it might help with work.


08-04-11, 13:30
Risperidone gives me a all over calmness effect and peaceful feeling with the world.

I've forgotten to take it sometimes and its led to great feelings of paranoia, it also sets me back a few days until things normalise.

I've noticed that I seem to take risks now, when I cross the road Im not as cautious and when Im driving I am not always thinking of the dangers of overtaking and so on.

This could be the risperidone making me feel so calm that I will not think of the consequences, or could just be a aspect of my personality.

08-04-11, 13:32
Hi Eames,

Little confused, if risperidone is doing a great job why do you want to throw citrolpram into the mix? Citrolpram is a good drug for some but not all, at 20mg I'm barely feeling much effect. I also don't think citrolpram caused your perma-smile car thing as a side note.
Does risperidone help your anxiety or paranoia? Do you take therapy in line with your medication treatment, it might help with work.

I think there is a way to go before I get over my anxiety, I think anything that accelerates getting over it is good.

Of course I will consider any side effects of the meds first.