View Full Version : constantly counting!

05-04-11, 23:01
I have counted things around me ever since I can remember! Always groups of 5!
I count paines in windows, peoples shirt buttons, spokes on tyres....just everything!

I also have to do things in patterns. If i touch something i have to touch it with each hand 5 times.....
u get the pic

I also have an obsession with car number plates, goodness I can't even explain what I do with the number and letters in my head!!!!

I repeat sentences in my head, divide it in half, repeat it back and forward 5 times!!
God I do this so automatically that I can't even think what i do!!

Why do I do this. I have never, ever ever told anyone about this and didn't even think it could even be an OCD!

I did have years where I couldn't bear my kids to get dirty. I used to freak when they went in the garden and would have to clean them before they stepped in the house.

05-04-11, 23:16
Hi this is definately OCD .This can be effectively dealt with by CBT AND if you want anti anxiety medicine .Its caused by Anxiety .Go and telll your Dr and ask for some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy .It will change your thought processes ,and break these patterns of behaviour .T/c and let us know how you get on .Luv Sue x

06-04-11, 06:56
You definitely have OCD. The counting, the making patterns and the hygiene obsessions are all CLASSIC OCD symptoms. Have you ever seen a counsellor who could help you deal with your thoughts? It might be helpful for you to talk to someone about it. Good luck. :flowers:

07-04-11, 15:01
I know none of you guys are medically qualified. But I am on 60mg a day of duloxetine, in your experience is this the right one?

I have never told my doc tho about the OCD thing! Only that I am suffering with depression.

07-04-11, 22:01
How long have you been taking that ? Any ssri or snri (yours is combination )will or should help with the OCD .If its not helping you may need to increase the dose or change to another .You do need to tell your Dr though, as you could definately do with some CBT AS WELL ..sue x

08-04-11, 18:16
Suzy, txs for your reply, not very long. Have recently changed. Chatted to my doc last night. Told him about the counting.
he said he'd refer me (finally), but he also said he really doesn't know what help I need?!?

How long have you been taking that ? Any ssri or snri (yours is combination )will or should help with the OCD .If its not helping you may need to increase the dose or change to another .You do need to tell your Dr though, as you could definately do with some CBT AS WELL ..sue x

12-04-11, 09:43
Certainly OCD, how strange that a GP doesn't know what help you need ! I must admit that it's only counselling that made me realise how bad I had it, and also for how long. I've always been obsessive, and I thought I was going insane as a teenager, because my mind just wouldn't quit. I use to count numbers in my head just as a distraction, but I've only remembered this 25 years on. Little wonder that I suffer from anxiety I now realise :). I do have other health issues like diabetes which complicates matters a little. If my sugars go low, the symptoms are similar to anxiety, so I do the 9x table as far as I can go, to determine which it is. This of course then gets counting all kinds of crap, which encourages the OCD :wacko: Well, I guess we all have to suffer something don't we ?

The good news for you notsogood is that you're not insane, and it can get easier to live with. I think I'd question whether your GP is up to the job though ! I hope we hear from you again soon, if only just to say that you're taking steps in the right direction. Good luck, we're all behind you !

12-04-11, 22:46
Thank you my name is. Well in fairness to GP I have had counselling previously. I gave up after 18 months as I just couldn't get any words out. Was fine talking about kids, weather etc. But anything else I just lost the ability to talk.

I asked my doc if I cld be referred to a psych. Then I went back to him week later and confessed about the counting thing. That's when he became unsure!

I am at a sleep clinic tonight having a study done. Problems with jumping/fitting in my sleep.I'm wondering now whether my sleep has something to do with dep/anxiety??