View Full Version : having a bad time!

11-04-06, 09:30
im having such a bad time right now, im posting so much because the constant thoughts are taking over me. i got a sore throat last night and felt cold so i went to bed wondering if this was the start of cancer or a prolonged serious illness, of course ive woken up with a head cold sore throat and headache, but it aint helping with the fact i have my anxiety symptoms too. could this be the start of something bad or am i just having a head cold or getting flu?

i cant accept any changes to my body, is this common in health anxiety

please help x

11-04-06, 09:47
This is a very common worry with Health anxiety, you have typical cold symptoms, lots of colds around at the moment, have a good rest today and try a cold remedy, promise you that this is not cancer or anthing other that a cold mixed with anxiety

Hope your feeling better soon

Wendy xx

11-04-06, 09:49
you poor thing, its awful to feel like this isint it. When you have a cold starting or are tired your anxiety is always worse. I woke up with a pain in my arm this morning and bad thoughts immediatley come into my head. I usually find if i have other stresses in my life it scomes out in an health anxiety way. So instead of worrying about money etc i find a bump/lump/pain to worry about.
Try to relax, it helps to accept it is your anxiety and thats how you are. Do something nice bath, early night, read whatever relaxes you. (((hugs))

11-04-06, 11:07
Hey katy
I know your goin through a hard time hun but memebr wot we talked about- member wot ur doc said about ur blood tests!!! stupid thing to say but try not to worry!!! pm me if u need to talk!

11-04-06, 11:09
I can relate to this, I have just recently recovered from a chest infection, and whilst not been suffering with anxiety as of late, it did come back and bite me on the bum while i was ill.

Find something that will take your mind of things, a good film or even rubbish tv. Cleaning is my best anxiety relief but not a great idea if your under the weather.

Tara xx

11-04-06, 22:29
Ok I would probably say from my experiences that when you worry and get nervous you sometimes get a cold, sore throat and you ache. When I worry, a lot of the time I get a sore throat and a sore stomach. Hope this helps. Keep smiling.


P.S. Also, when you have these thoughts do you ring a friend up at all and chat with them about it? Because it may help you.

11-04-06, 22:44
I'm sure you mind is over-reacting to your cold and thinking its something worse.

Certainly distract yourself.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

12-04-06, 09:07

Hey love, I feel in the same boat as you,
I have just posted that I am having a poo time too.
My head and neck pains are back and I have been doing so well for about 3 weeks.

All week I have been worrying that it is something really bad like a tumour or something.

Posting on this site for reassurance is always good!

Hope you feel better this morning!

I have a long weekend off from work so that should help me I hope!

Take care Hun

Hay x