View Full Version : Anxious about chemicals etc.

06-04-11, 02:05
Aologies if this is in the wrong forum.

Basically I am quite scared in regards to chemicals etc.

By that I mean the smell of loads of fabric softener on my clothes worries me in that I think it will harm me, washing my hands with scented soap before eating makes me think it will run on to the food etc.

Walking by things that are being bleached etc. I try to hold my breath and when in the shower I always try not to swallow any soap/shampoo.

How can I get over this?

06-04-11, 06:52
Hi. This sounds like a form of OCD to me. Have you ever had any other OCD's or is this your first experience of it? Have you ever seen a counsellor to discuss your fears? They would be able to teach you ways of challenging your thoughts. I'm afraid I don't know how to help you with your problem personally but there is lots of useful information on this site about OCD's that you could read, and I'm sure there are lot's of fellow OCD sufferers on this site who could help you.

By the way, chemicals/perfumes used for hand washing, fabric softeners and washing up liquid etc are all safe unless you swallow them in LARGE amounts (ie by drinking out of the bottle). Think about how many people in the world are using those products, probably a lot less carefully than you are, and they are all fine. The smell of bleach (although unpleasant) can't hurt you. It would only be dangerous if you literally inhaled deeply from the bottle and inhaled the vapours, or if you drank it or rubbed it on your skin.

You will be fine. Please try not to worry. :flowers: