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View Full Version : no light at the end?

06-04-11, 08:50
hi, im new to here. thought i would see if i could find others who are feeling as shit as i am. ive suffered from depression since i was about 12. im now 28 and i cant take any more. ive been up and down over the years. on and off meds. been taking citalopram 20mg for about 7 months now. i saw my doc on monday and she has upped the dose to 40mg. now im going through some of the side effects all over again. dry mouth, hoghtened anxiety. sooo tired but cant sleep. am a single parent to a 5 yr old. its hard going and some days i dont even want to get out of bed. i wonder if he would be better off with his father. atleast his father inst bogged down like i feel i am.
doctpr has said i have PTSD and i am waiting to see someone for some CBT. or something like that. it could take months. not sure if i can wait that long.:weep:

06-04-11, 09:43
:hugs:Hi, I am so sorry you feel so bad, I have been where you are now, and after having my dose of citalopram increased i am much better, the side effects of the increased dose will not last to long, and will not be as bad as when you first started them. I am sure you will start to feel better when the increased dose takes effect, be patient, and do not be so hard on yourself, you will soon begin to cope better, and i promise things will begin to improve, have you got family you can talk to about how you are feeling about your son, i know it can be hard to talk, but when i stopped hiding how i felt and talked about it, i found it did help. please go back and see your gp if you can't talk to freinds or family and explain how you are feeling. all the very best in your recovery

06-04-11, 09:59
my family is complicated. i dont really have anyone i can really talk to hence coming on here. im always cautious about what i say to the doc because i am worried that they will think that i cant cope and take my son away. ive already had a visit in the past from someone because my GP at the time thought i was a risk. now my husband and i are seperated they will be even more concerned.