View Full Version : hello

06-04-11, 14:14
Hello, I'm Holly and I'm just new here today. I'm 21, engaged to my partner just recently and looking to relocate and live with her in Yorkshire, UK. I discovered alot in starting the job I have now and I know I want to help people in life and as a welfare officer. I have so much in my life that I'm proud of and can't wait to experience my life with my fiancee. But I can't kick my anxiety.

Sometimes I over-think what might happen so much that I scare myself away from opportunities. I have an interview tomorrow to be kept on at the place I work in which is 100 miles north of where my fiancee lives and is where I was born and raised and I'm starting to interview for advice work for the general public also tomorrow. But I can't concentrate on anything at work and don't know what to do about work anymore as I want to move away from here. I keep going onto Facebook to distract myself from paperwork. I feel like I'm unable to motivate myself and my mind is ticking over, so I've joined NMP to hopefully gain some advice and support and friendships with people that understand me.

Thanks guys

Holly x

06-04-11, 14:15
Hi thisisnewradio

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-04-11, 14:18
Thanks Nicola, very pleased that I joined :)

Vanilla Sky
06-04-11, 21:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x