View Full Version : overthinking 24/7

06-04-11, 15:27
Hey everyone.

One of my many issues with anxiety is the fact that I over think what could happen all the time. This put me off telling my parents I'm engaged for nearly 2 months (in a same-sex relationship and had alot of trouble when coming out) and last week I told them and they were perfectly fine with it, but I still get distracted at work. By overthinking.

I have no feelings what so ever for my ex-girlfriend and I love my fiancee unconditionally, she is my everything. However my ex was mentally, physically and verbally abusive towards me. She once tried to suffocate me and I luckily managed to get away with a broken jaw, a black eye and some bite marks, cuts and bruises, but I thought she would change, so I stayed with her for another 2 months And she caused me nothing but problems, which I am now just coming to terms with. Her actions towards me were completely unacceptable and until only just recently I had nightmares about the worst of the times. But I avoid staying too near where she lives as I am scared of seeing my ex or talking to her. I do not want to be her friend or even so much as look at her. I saw her when out with a friend once and started feeling like I was going to have a panic attack.

I just wanna be able to cope and process these thoughts so I can forget about them. Would appreciate any help you can give to me. Thanks!