View Full Version : wind

06-04-11, 17:37
Hi does anyone feel they have constant trapped wind at top of stomach and especially after eating or even during.Do you also feel like it about to come then gest stuck and dosent move.I hate it .Anyone else get this ? kind regards molly

06-04-11, 17:55

I get this! I burp loads but it never seems to go! I hate it, it's so annoying! I've lost my appetite though due to the anxiety so I think it has something to do with that! Are you eating regular meals? x

06-04-11, 18:45
Hi does anyone feel they have constant trapped wind at top of stomach and especially after eating or even during.Do you also feel like it about to come then gest stuck and dosent move.I hate it .Anyone else get this ? kind regards molly

I get this feeling alot just below my ribs in the center also feel like my food gets stuck there sometimes and i'll rub it for hours and just have little burps it takes a while for it to go x

06-04-11, 19:04
Sounds like reflux/not eating enough/gastritis to me

06-04-11, 19:23
Hi there thank you for your replies ,i do eat reguarly but not as much as i used to due to my anxiety.I hate it but i think the more i dwell on it the worse it gets .kind regards molly

11-04-11, 02:41
I have suffered from this over the weekend. It really stressed me out because it isnt something i get often so of course i was considering the worst! It was like there was a ball of wind sitting in my sternum just between my breast bone in the middle, so it was higher than the stomach area. I was waiting for it to break up and growl like a hungry feeling or something and just when i thought it was going to, it didn't! I drank a load of peppermint tea and it seemed to get better. I have woken up this morning terrified of it still being there but it seems to have gone. It was worse when i drank a hot drink and ate dinner. Do you think it's indigestion? Can that linger all day??

Kel x

12-04-11, 17:54
HI kelly i think its down to anxiety ive had it for 8 weeks now and the more i think about it the worse it gets .I think it might be due to us gulping in 2 much air.its hyorrid kind regards molly