View Full Version : Chest tightness, arm pain, anxious

06-04-11, 19:03
Woke up, was calm, went shopping and suddenly had chest tightness in the middle of chest, although that could be because i didnt take my reflux pills...

Also my left arm was very crampy.

The panic has set in and now im really anxious :(

06-04-11, 19:08
Well if you ring NHS direct they will send you straight to A&E - I know that for sure.

Is the pain still there and as bad - what sort of pain is it?

Has it eased off at all?

Only you can decide whether to go to A&E I am afraid and deep down you will know if it is something out of the ordinary for you and needs looking at further.

07-04-11, 00:29
Cheers for the reply Nicola, I did call them and they insisted on sending an ambulance round :(

However they took 5 ECG's (no as the first one showed something odd), bloods, urine, finger prick sugar test, xray and other stuff. I kept saying to them that it was anxiety and they said 'better to be safe than sorry'. No idea about the pain but still, guess anxiety.

07-04-11, 00:34
i get thisd honestky.

doesnt soiund as bad but i get a tight chest then like a pain and nu,bingf feeling down my arm scary but defo anxiety, xx