View Full Version : Hmmm i think this comes under general anxiety!!?

11-04-06, 12:14
Hey all
as some of you know im goin on holidays next wednesday (not 2moz the one after!!) and i am terrified!!! I dont mind flyin or planes but am agrophobic so have trouble with the outside world in general!!! i was wonderin if everyone could be so kind as to keep me possitive and dont let me think about bad things!!! me flite is at 7pm and thats gonno be the worst thing for me as the longer i hang around the more anxious i get and then comes my best friend the panic attack!!! If people could help me through this i will wuv u all forever and who knows i might even have a good success story to add!!! i know i can do this just need my friends on here to help me along!!!!

11-04-06, 12:21
Hiya Hun

Right with you here on this one.

Have you sorted out your suitcase yet (Maybe abit early perhap)s but that may keep you occupied re deciding what you will be taking. Maybe plan what fave magazine you can take with you on the flight.

Just a few ideas for starters

You can do this hun & we are all here to support you, bet you will have such a fab time once you get there & i wanna here all about it.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 12:24
thanx hun!!
im all packed- i was about a month ago!!! but im gonno tip everything back out on the day and redo it for something to do!! ive decided to buy mags in the airport to give me something to do while waitin there!! Wot can i say im organised!!! lol
Thanx again

11-04-06, 12:27
Hi Ammeg,

My advice would also be to do things to distract your mind. And also I know it's hard, but to try not to worry and to try keep an open mind of what it will be like. Often I've expected the worst and what I've thought would happen hasn't.

Take Care,


11-04-06, 12:28
Had a funny feeling you might be organised already lol.

Yeah i agree its a good idea to go through what you have packed once again, you never know you may have forgotten to pack something.

Have you packed your camera???

Have fun

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 12:30
thanx h3- i will try to distract me self!! its so weird coz im excited but terrified and i know its a lovely place- i could do with a good shake i think!!! lol
Yes alex- got two cameras will post the pics and show every1- well the ones i look nice in anyway!!!!! lol
thanx both

11-04-06, 12:33
I know exactly what you mean about feeling excited and terrified at the same time. I was like that when I last went on holiday, I found when I got there though I started to relax. I think you'll be fine.

Take Care,


11-04-06, 12:43
Hurray loads of pics to look at i like looking at holiday photos.

Im terrified, excited & nervous about my wedding in August, will be such a wonderful day though so i know i will be just fine.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 12:50
Hi ammeg, hope you have a great holiday which i am sure you will. You are right the waiting for anything is worst than the event, I put off eye surgery for 3 years cos of fright and I know making the waiting longer made my anxiety 100 times worst. Put on a walkman or mp3 player and try remembering all the words to the songs, Do some puzzles they realy distract you. and keep telling yourself over and over I am in good health and I am not afraid, I know you are just anxiety and cant harm or spoil my holiday. take care. Vernon

11-04-06, 12:52
Hi Ammeg
Just a thought but I found it really helpful to wander round the airport shops, it helped take my mind off boarding the plane, I even treated myself to a gorgeous new bikini and all the way there I kept thinking about how I could wear my new bikini when I got there, I know it might sound a bit silly but it really helped to distract me!

Good luck & I hope you have a fantastic holiday
Suzy xx :)

11-04-06, 12:58
thanx vern and suzy!!
Vern - i bought some puzzle books- sudoko- so they should keep me busy, till i lose me temper!!! lol
Suzy- im flyin from cardiff so unfortualtly theres like 10 shops- mostly with magazines in!! but i will wander round them!!!
Alex- i shall show u all me pics and you better had from ur weddin!!!! Where u gettin married hun??
Thanx all

11-04-06, 13:01
Ello Hun

Im getting married in my home town of Bristol & having the honeymoon in Switzerland. No worries i will put photos on the forum when the time comes.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 13:51

I know this is such a bigger step than when you went out to get your hair cut but look at how great you did then! You will do this and have so much fun. Just think of all the great stories you will have to tell us when you return. I know you can do this and will have a wonderful time. Since you are already ready for this trip, try to just do things to take your mind off of it and not dwell on it as it will just make you anxious. Try starting a new book!


12-04-06, 08:43
Thanx belle
i know i can do it- tryin to be calm!!! only a week to go now!!! when i think about it me throat goes all blocked and i have to make a call to the loo!!!! lol
R u havin a big white wedding alex or a slitly quieter one???

12-04-06, 09:11

I hate Holidays simply for the fact that you just worry about the Anxiety all the time.

I find I just make list of things to do and get really organised, like you have already done... lol

Just find loads of things that you enjoy to occupy you on the plane, gammes IPOd, books, Mags etc.

Look throu your holiday brochure and plan what you are going to do before you get there.

The day you are flying pamper your self before, like long bath, de-fuzz (shave) Face mask, hair mask, paint all your nails etc, this should take a few hours and may relax you a little

Hope this helps

Hay x

12-04-06, 12:06
Hi Ammeg,
I always take a couple of chewable aspirin, 4 hours before and then again 1 hour before a flight. I originally did it before a long-haul flight, as a precaution against DVT (deep vein thrombosis, clotting in your blood vessels caused by cabin pressure and sitting still in a cramped space for too long - aspirin thins the blood). But now I take aspirin before any flight at all, even short-haul, just as a reassurance! I don't like flying, so it's just one little way I can calm myself down, by giving myself one less thing to worry about!
I'm confident your flight and holiday will go fine. You've had some great suggestions already. Good luck to you!
All the best,

12-04-06, 14:39
Thanx hayles and jason
Hayles- its gonno be a lazy holiday so i plan to do nothin, got that covered, and i will pamper meself as well as doin all them things us girls need to do so we dont get stared at!!! thanx
Jason- um well im only 20 and am not really at to much risk from dvt, i will be movin plenty so i will duck out on chewin asprin. I love to fly and am not nervous about that side of things at all- thanx
thanx for your suggestions all!!
1 week today and i will be on me way to the airport!!!

13-04-06, 09:12
6 days.... scared :(

13-04-06, 11:33
hi ya hun i know you will be fine and you have thought of everything you can do to help yourslf just belive in your self hun i ama looking foward to reading your success story

luv ya
amanda xx

dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday

13-04-06, 16:35
Hiya babe
You will be just fine you know you will.
Listen to music or read a magazine.
You know you can do it!
I have faith in you.
An i want a nice pressie bringin back dont forget!
Love your stace.xxxxxx


14-04-06, 08:56
panic has started everytime i think about hols i am sick!! hope i can do this!! thanx for replys stace and hun- ihope your both right! havent slept dont feel good! :(

14-04-06, 20:39
not doin good

16-04-06, 09:48
prob all getting fed up of me now! 3 days left, terrified!! havin pa's over stupid things!!!