View Full Version : I've practically stopped eating

06-04-11, 23:37
It started last week when I went out on a night out and didn't have time for tea so I'd only had dinner that day. The day after I wasn't very hungry because I was hungover.
For about 3 days after I was quite anxious which I think made me not feel very hungry but now I just don't want food :shrug:
I can feel I'm hungry but I just can't seem to want to eat and I can't force myself either, it just makes me feel sick. The past 2 days now I've been eating abit of chocolate or ice cream here and there, some crisps oh and I had abit of a baguette yesterday but that's it.
I usually go though periods of being more hungry and less hungry but it's never been this bad.
I've just started 75mg of vanlelfexin, do you think it could be that?

What worries me is that I sort of enjoy not eating, I still have issues with food buried deep somewhere and usually hidden away but there's part of me that's thinking oh well, I'm not hungry, I'll lose some weight :wacko:

macc noodle
06-04-11, 23:50
Oh Lizz, poor you - it sounds miserable to be stuck like that.

I hope some other members can advise you on the vanlelfexin and any side effects on your appetite, sadly I cannot offer anything.

I can understand your food issues and maybe you need to start with revisiting that to reverse this current problem - is there someone you can refer to for help?

Perhaps you could plan a very light menu for tomorrow and see if you can manage three small meals and see how you feel about it?

Sleep tight - hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.


07-04-11, 00:14
loss of appetite can be a side effect to your medication and the longer you go without food the less hungry over time you will become (believe me no) am just getting over a issue with eating that started off just from my anxiety and loss of appetite and it is a real struggle to get hold of it while you can when i stopped eating this lasted from aug 2010 untill about a week ago even last week i had days of not eating as i started new tabs which side effects loss of appetite but today and yesterday i have had good days of eating not really much to most people but to be it was a lot...
even if your not hungry just try have a bite of a piece of fruit or a biscuit even if its just a bite every hour am like you and cant force myself to eat as it makes me feel sick but the long er i was going with no food the worse i felt and the worse my anxiety got x

07-04-11, 03:28
Okay, the Venlafaxine can indeed produce signicant appetite reduction and even loss of appetite. Nausea when eating, also a side-effect of the medication, can further suppress appetite due to avoidance but this tendency does not occur in all patients taking the medication.

Although these effects typically subsides with continued treatment, any difficulty following 2 weeks of uninterupted use of the medication should prompt notification to the prescribing physician to determine whether dosing adjustments or alternative treatment choices should be undertaken.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

07-04-11, 10:08
Thanks for the replies :)
I've had a couple of cereal bars this morning, I still feel abit hungry but I don't think I could eat more than a small snack. I hope I can eat something for dinner as I'm at work all evening and I hate feeling weak and sick at work. And I think I'm getting a cold :( hoping the vicks first defence works!

07-04-11, 10:58
In a way, you've gotta make yourself get used to food. It's a side effect of your meds, (and mine too, though I've still pigged out :tongue:) Try not to see food as the enemy, but your friend :)
Hope you can beat this!

12-04-11, 10:02
Ok, I want to eat now and I'm just not hungry! At all!!!
I'm eating around 700 calories a day and that's only because what I am eating is chocolate bars and stuff.
Like I've said before I still don't mind but I know it's not good for me, especially when I'm working all day :shrug:

macc noodle
12-04-11, 12:57
If you want to eat that is good. The lack of appetite is from your tablets I am sure.

I know it is hard and worrying but if you could just try and eat small amounts and regularly (even though you don't feel hungry), it would make a difference to you.

You do need to keep eating otherwise in the end you will end up running out of energy and feeling worse than before.


13-04-11, 11:40
is more of a mental issue than a physical one. Are you obsessed with your body image, and wanting to go to extremes to lose weight? Trust me I've battled Anorexia for 3 years and it actually did more damage mentally than physically, and created problems like insomnia, depression, exclusion, aggression and even suicidal tendencies. I punished myself if I ever ate food and I was on a scale every minute of the day. I know people who aren't trying to lose weight at all and they just stop eating because of loss of appetite. Are you actually refusing food, or just don't feel like eating? Two different things my friend.

14-04-11, 23:50
liz I stopped eating due to my anxiety, zero appetite etc.. sometimes hungry but zero interest in food.
just your thinking this is good because you will lose weigh..... thats not a great frame of mind to get into because it can be hard to get out of.

starving your self its not worth the damage to your body and mental health.

Being thin, does not make you happy, sure a few more men pay you compliments etc..
But you need to love yourself as you are now and I sincerely hope your not underweight :(

anorexia leads to death, these poor girls think they are fat, they are OCD over food and calories, ask any of them do they enjoy being thin? no they hate it, it starts off with wanting to be thin, but spirals out of control.

15-04-11, 10:29
I'm not that bad anymore. I admit I used to not eat on purpose, I used to be on the scales many times a day, I even used to make myself sick.
But now I mean yes I admit I still have issues with my body but I'm just barely eating.
I have eaten as much as I can the past few days, some more than others. But while I'm at work it's hard, I'll be hungry but not able to take a break then by the time I do get a break I'm not hungry and I just can't even face eating. There is a part of me that does enjoy it though. I'm not underweight, I'm a health weight for my height, I'm 5ft9 as well which means I can get away with being a higher weight and still being a healthy weight.

I've been putting my food on the 'my fitness pal' app on my iPhone just to see how much I am eating. The only day it hasn't told me I'm eating too few calories was the day I had a starbucks!
I'm 100% sure now it's the venlafaxine now but I've finally found some medication that makes my life worth living, I don't want to come off it just because it's making me stop eating!

15-04-11, 12:20
I'm on citalopram and they have given me a massive appetite - so I'm trying to be careful about how much I'm taking in. If I ate everything I wanted to at the moment I would end up being about 16 stone!!