View Full Version : Tingling and numbness In foot

07-04-11, 01:32
I was In the hot shower and my foot started going numb. Then i got out and it started tingling. So worried! What can cause this?

07-04-11, 01:36
Mild chillblaines, it's when your body goes temperaturewise from one extreme to the other. It'll settle down in a minute.

07-04-11, 01:42
Thanks, I never knew that. :)

07-04-11, 01:49
You're welcome :) It's why you should never run your hands under a boiling hot tap to warm them up. Extreme temperature change does your body no good, always give your body a chance to settle into its new environment/climate :) xx

07-04-11, 17:00
Happens to me all the time... I hate that happening... it makes you very uncomfortable.