View Full Version : positive theres hope x

07-04-11, 11:25
nearly a year ago i joined this site with extreme panic disorder and anxiety i thought id never live a normal life again i wanted 2 die i was constantly petrified!
i thought i cant do this i cant do this!!! but i could and i did little by little i faced the things i thought i couldnt do , i walked to the shop ,then to town then started taking my daughter to nursery ,i went out with my fiance for a meal , i moved in with him and got a part time job! its taken a year but if you push yourself you can over come this!!! you have to tell yourself im not afraid even tho you are, its a long journey and a scary one! im still not 100% myself i often feel anxious and on edge but i just wanted you to know that you can overcome this YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!!

Hope this helps at least one person to keep fighting x
best wishes
katie x

08-04-11, 08:15
Well done!!!!!!!!!! Good for you. You give me hope :)

08-04-11, 09:20
hi hunni thata amazing well done to you xx there is always hope you gotta fight and it can be hard but if you want your life its what you gotta do xxx well done

hamster lady
08-04-11, 11:09
Well done that is wonderful news! I'm so pleased to here that you have done so well at overcoming your panic disorder, it really gives me hope that I can do it too!:yesyes:

08-04-11, 11:32
Hi Katy, Well done i am in the same position as you at the moment, better, but not 100% it's been a year for me too, your post is fantastic,giving everyone here hope, it is so nice to hear some positive news. good luck for the future:hugs: