View Full Version : Starting to think I'm depressed!

07-04-11, 16:09

I'm having a bad day.

I feel awful and it's seems to be a cycle of 2 wks of every month but this has been the worst yet. Something happened in January to make me think my thyroid was off as I felt that weird way in the head.. Without sounding to nuts?!? I finished my period on Monday and can't shake this black cloud & crying.. I'm starting to think maybe I am depressed and my period triggers something. I can't eat, think straight, I just feel awful. My ferittin is low 27 (7-150) Duno if it's that but I'm always worse the wk after my period. Had bloods done today for thyroid and the nurse said I'm just going to do a full blood count to check.. To check what?? Now I'm panicking even worse. My kids are on holiday and I'm totally letting them down. Meant to have a friend and her kids round tonight and the thought makes me ill.

I just feel totally lost. 2 wks ago I was fine! When will this go.. My dr suggested the pill or ssri cause she thinks it's hormones, since I've only had 4 periods since stopping breastfeeding my son. I can't go on like this.

Lele x