View Full Version : Ongoing fear for HIV for over a year now.

07-04-11, 16:21
Hello. I am new to this forum and this is my first post. Here's a little background story.
I am a girl, soon to be 18 and I've suffered the fear of HIV for a little over a year now. The panic/anxiety stemmed from the fear of the disease has twice driven me to the point where I needed to be put in a psychiatric hospital. I've been tested 3 times over the course of a year, every test was negative. The negative results, however, have not decreased my fear not one bit.
First time I got my results, I was relieved. Then I started thinking that the nurse reused a needle and infected me. That is the reason I had another test done 6 months later. Again, I was relieved after receiving a negative result, but later started suspecting the nurse of infected me by reusing a needle. This time I thought that the nurse had not only infected with HIV, but also with Hep C. That's the reason I got another test done after 6 months (in January, 2011).
Again, I was relieved when the results arrived. This relief didn't last for long though, as I read online that if co-infected with both Hep C and HIV, the test results may be negative up to 1 year after being infected. And I had my test done only 6 months after.
I wouldn't be as worried if I didn't have any symptoms commonly associated with HIV. Lately, I've been having a lot of oral symptoms - lesion on tongue, cracks at the corner of the mouth, etc. A few months ago I noticed the lymph nodes of my jaw and neck were somewhat enlarged. I have so many symptoms that writing them all down would take a lot of time.
My present situation is pretty bad. I'm anxious and have spontaneous outbursts of crying and I'm scared of having put in a psychiatric hospital again. I plan on getting tested again in 6 months and actually paying attention whether the needle looks used or not. But I'm scared that I'll die of HIV before I can even get tested again.

If someone here has/has had the fear of HIV, I'd appreciate if you'd comment and share your story and how do you deal with fear.

22-04-11, 18:36
Hi Daria,

I am so sorry you are feeling like this. It's awful and I wouldn't wish this kind of anxiety on anyone :( I had an HIV fear on and off for 10 years and I still get the odd worry about it from time to time. The fear totally consumed me and eventually I got tested (in October last year). The test was negative but I still worry sometimes....thankfully the worries are nowhere near as bad as they were before the test. I am slowly beggining to accept my test result as correct and I'm getting on with my life. I think a lot of people with health anxiety have trouble believing medical test results...I have met a lot of people on here who have this problem. This sort of behaviour is very similar to OCD and I believe people with health anxiety often have an element of OCD in their disorder or maybe even OCD as a primary disorder. What have your doctors said in relation to your anxiety? Are you taking anti-anxiety medication and are you seeing a therapist? I have found that medication and therapy helps me a great deal.

I know this won't help much but - after 3 HIV negative tests there is no way you could have HIV unless you have been exposed to HIV since (not including your worries about the nurse's needles which would have been sterilised). My advice would be to speak to your doctor about OCD and health anxiety and see if they can suggest therapy and possibly an anti-anxiety medication for you to try. We are here for you too :) There are a lot of lovely people on this forum and many have suffered from this same fear.

Take care and I hope you start feeling better really soon,

Moonlight Xxx

22-04-11, 19:11
Hi there i am so sorry you are going through this but i do understand how you feel .When i was 21 i went through the same thing i nearly ended up in hospital too,it consumed my every thought ,i was always checking in my mouth on my tounge i drove my family mad .I used to phone the aids helpline over and over again .Eventually i realised there was no way i could have had it and the fear started to ease.I pomise you the nurse would never use a dirty needle ,im a phlebotomist and all needles are sealed and only opened prior to use.So there is no way you could have been infected.PLease try and get over this because it is taking over your young life .I promise you you do not have hiv.kind regards molly