View Full Version : Best meds for SA?

11-04-06, 16:26
Recently I have decided to bite the bullet and try to get myself a nice prescription to help with my social anxiety. Which brings me here. There are so many different brands that I'm at a complete loss. I want to go to the doctors' with at least half a clue as to what I would like. Any responses from people who suffer from similar anxiety symptoms(listed below) and have had successful results from medications, would be much appreciated.

I have severe problems with social isolation and rarely leave the house. I have no friends. I'm even developing agorophobia to the extent that just the thought of leaving the house makes me dizzy.
Can't hold down a job. (daily vomitting, strained interactions with coworkers (e.g mind going blank, internalisation, general stand-offishness), sleeplessness, weight loss...)
OCD (obsessive worrying) & hypochondria
Depression as a result of the above.

So what would you recommend pill-wise? I just need something to help deal with the nerves that hinder my social abilities. I only want something for the short term to give me a chance to get back on my feet (less than a year, ideally), so the less nasty withdrawal symptoms the better.


11-04-06, 18:19
Hi grey,

I don't think finding a magic pill is the answer, but I do feel you can overcome this.

The way I would tackle this is to change how you think, as you are probably very concerned about how others see you, and you probably encounter a lot of negative thinking. The best way of starting to achieving this is taking a course of CBT. But there are other aspects to this too, such as getting hold of a book on improving your self-esteem, focusing on your good points, and gradual exposure to people. I'd also recommend joining social anxiety uk - register at their web site for free.

I went for years of not having any friends, but like you decided to bite the bullet and go the extra mile. I soon discovered that people DID value me. It took a change attitude on my part. I should add I didn't have anxiety attacks at the time, but my mind was full of hang-ups at the time that lead to where I am now.

As a result of my change of attitude, my life became fuller and found it a lot easier to talk to people.

As a first stage, you can make friends here on this site, and you can pm me anytime, as I don't want you to waste valuable years like I did.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers