View Full Version : Weird thought

07-04-11, 23:35
Hi everyone~

I'm not sure how to explain this feeling/thought that I have but I'll try.

It's like when I look in the mirror I have the thought...thats REALLY ME. Its not like I don't recognize myself, its more like thinking really weird/deep thoughts about myself. Or maybe its more like, How can that be me???

I know that probably sounds really weird but I'm wondering if anyone else has thoughts like this. What causes them and will it go away?

08-04-11, 00:39

i hate hairdressers because you have to look at yourself too much lol ,akes me gp quite funny

08-04-11, 01:31
I do that! I won't look in a mirror if I'm anxious cause it unsettles me for some reason, it's like she's looking back at me , weird thoughts :)
Or if I look at my nose for too long I'll starting think it looks bigger lol.

yeah when your not anxious and not over thinking it goes away,
plus you more than likely expect to have this thought when you look in the mirror,

08-04-11, 01:44
Hi, yeah I know what you mean, it's almost as if you're looking looking at yourself from outside, like from someone else's perspective, it's weird.

08-04-11, 02:04
I know what you mean. I do a similar thing with words sometimes. I say a word over and over in my head and then I think 'that word sounds strange'. It's just our anxious minds questioning things around us I suppose, but I wouldn't worry about it. We all have funny thoughts and feelings sometimes. It's all part of being human I suppose. :flowers:

08-04-11, 14:33
That's interesting - I thought I was the only person who repeats words in their head until they sound peculiar....

08-04-11, 17:41
Hi I have had this in the past. I looked in the mirror, knew it was me but couldn't kind of recognise myself & felt detached from my reflection. Scared me at the time but now I know it is just depersonalisation & common in anxiety states. Did it with my husband once too, knew it was him I was looking at but he just looked different somehow, like I couldn't recognise him. Weird but not had it for years.

08-04-11, 23:39
I know what you mean. I do a similar thing with words sometimes. I say a word over and over in my head and then I think 'that word sounds strange'. It's just our anxious minds questioning things around us I suppose, but I wouldn't worry about it. We all have funny thoughts and feelings sometimes. It's all part of being human I suppose. :flowers:

I do that sometimes and then have to say the word outloud too see how it sounds.
I think everyone has these thoughts its just we seem to zone in on them, magnify them and over think them, well with the exception of OCD of course :)