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11-04-06, 18:50
i have had a bad pain whilst going to the toilet now for 2 days. went to the docs this morning and the nurse told me i have blood and protein in my urine and she will send it away for further tests

as well as this i feel severly nauseaus and keep feeling i am badely out of breath. the nurse says the sick feeling is due to infection of some sort but checked my chest and said it was clear. i said if it was a clot would she have heard it and she said she would.

i cant help but fear she has missed something

if you are nauseus could you mistake it for breathlessness

could you feel sick if you have protein in you r urine and blood

does anyone know

would love your advice. keep feeling it is a clot


11-04-06, 19:04
Jack..i can just imagine you now, mate seriously love you have no clot there, if you had she would of found that and sent you straight down to A and E.. i promise you that.. you may have a water infection, we get those sort of things from anxiety too love, its going to get checked isnt it, wait for the results but whatever it is love it wont be anything serious it wont jaks.
And certinley you have no way got a clot so please please try your ultimate best not to think this..
I feel for you love as i know you will be panicking.. when did she say ya results would be back jax ??


11-04-06, 19:09
thursday ash and i dont know how long i can stand this. i really feel this is a clot, i feel so sick and breathless. doesnt feel like anxiety at all, never does i know but i am soooo freaking out. what if it is


11-04-06, 19:38
Jackie i am telling you my lovley lovley irish gal you havnt got a clot..i promise you with all my heart and soul.. i am telling you it isnt that and thursday you will see im right love.
The doc wouldnt let you go home knowing that love trust me.. im telling you.It is hard love and i know that you cant help it but worry..i hate to see you suffer like that, fear is so nasty isnt it..but i will lay everything i own(which ant a great deal actually lol) but i will lay everything i own ...on you not having a serious illness of any kind..i will be right love.

ashley x[:X][:X][:X][:X]

11-04-06, 19:39
Hi Jackie

Only just seen your post.

Im sure everything will be okay re thursday.

Thinking of you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 19:43
thanks girls can always rely on you 2 on the site. ash what are the symptoms of a water infeation?


11-04-06, 23:02
Main symptom is usually pain when urinating, some people can get a smelly discharge too. Did the nurse say whether you had a high white blodd cell count?

12-04-06, 12:16

It is normally pain when going to the wee wee, and needing to go more than often..sometimes also you can be sore in that area.

I do hope that you are feeling better love, i hate to see you in such a worrying state, its awful to see you like this.. nothink is seriously wrong with ya i promise,and promise and promise again darlin.

Tomorrow you will find out love.. and ya mind will be put at rest.

loves ya

ashley xxx the crazy cockney gal xx [8D]

12-04-06, 14:45
jackie me love
look at me replyin on the forum- i promise i am gonno be nice!!! lol
I had a water infection the otherweek- wasnt pleasant at all, hurt when i peed and had constant pressue on me tummy!! i felt sick coz of this- so i would say its very likely u have a bladder infection!!
as ash said its not a clot me matey!! maybe coz ur feelin poorly its playin on ur anxiety hence the breathlessness!! hope your feelin better hun!!

12-04-06, 15:43

I agree with ammeg it sounds like a bladder infection which I have had tons of and they can make you feel quite ill. I have also had kidney infections but this doesn't sound like it is one of those. They will give you tablets to help cure the infection and it will clear up. Drink cranberry juice as it will help with both the infection and the pain. It can't hurt you. Hope you feel better soon


12-04-06, 19:08
thanks girls, still feeling quite sick and am struggling to convince myself i have not a clot. stupid i know but you lot make it that bit better

ammeg youve excelled your self, you were very gentle! so this i swhy i feel so sick then you promise you lot?

today i feel sick and sooo sore when i pee. plus i have my period which is a welcome sight for someone who is miss fertile and has been pregnant for 4 years,lol. i spat up a tiny amount of blood which fed my overactive mind but the nurse wasnt concerned.

girls i hope you right and i hope i find the strength to not go to casualty as i have been doing better and dont want to mess up now.

thanks you lot and well done ammeg for not telling me to get a grip.lol


12-04-06, 20:13
I used to get this in the 90s, you have to drink cranberry juice to flush out the infection xx

Anxiety Is Evil

13-04-06, 08:55
i drank millions of water- i was weein all day but it helped. they gave me tabs in the end and it was sorted in 5 days!!!! arnt your test results back today?? see jackie i am lovely!!! lol

Two heads
13-04-06, 10:17
Hi jackie!please dont worry sweet you are fine,like everyone has said you just have a water infection.I have had loads and have drank cranberry juice.Sometimes the infections are caused by drinking to little in the frist place,all hold your urine in to long!Feeling nauseaus is the bodys reaction to infection hun!
I no how you feel because i was checked for blood clots a month ago due to being breathless for months.Its a very scarey feeling.Tell that gremlin in your head to f....

13-04-06, 19:07
Hi Jackie,

I have exactly the same thing at the mo. I too tested positive for blood etc in the urine the other day. I've been feeling sick for over a week now but today it has eased because I started on the antibiotics yesterday. All the symptoms you mention are classic urinary tract infection and are very common. It's not very nice though, is it!

They send off the sample to find out exactly what bacteria have caused the infection and then they can prescribe the correct antibiotic.

Keep drinking plenty of water and take the antibiotics you will no doubt have been prescribed by now. You will soon be feeling much better!

Eeb x

14-04-06, 11:00
you are all sooo lovely, tests came back yesterday, kidney infection. have had a terrible sore back so i think it must be right.

keep getting sooo breathless cant stop fearing a clot. bong trying to tell it to f**k off but finding it hard these days


sound like such a looser last few days. go gentle though ammeg im a bit vulnerable too.lol

14-04-06, 16:57
hows it going dalring..hope you are feeling a wee( lol) better.. and i hope you have been drinking lotes of water like i said as that does help to flush it all through.
You are always in my thoughts darling and you have no way got a clot ..jack something would of happened by now,and certinley a doctor would of picked up on it,i know you cant help the way you feel sweetheart.. look at me with my heart its the same thing.. i understand you we all do.

love lotes ashley x :D

14-04-06, 18:29
ash i wish i could be so sure. keep thinking im having wee clots thar dont kill but because im not getting them checked they will turn into a big one an dkill mee

living on a knife edge at the mo mate and hating it


14-04-06, 19:27
I know how you are feeling love, and im there with you 100% you know that.. i am the worlds worst preacher , and may give good solid advice.. but i dont always do it my self..
I live in constant fear with my heart, you live in constant fear of a clot RIGHT,well its the same .. and we both have all those other symptoms with it,it isnt easy love.. but trying dosnt hurt us...we have to keep trying jax... dont give into it, your better than that..you can do this..man your irish love.. you people may do things back to frount but ya get there eventually lol...
love ya ..im here for ya..and if i pull through ..you will pull through xxx

ashley x

Two heads
15-04-06, 20:50
Hi jackie , how are you doing?I no how you feel because im like ashley with the heart thing!Been to beaulie motor musieuim today and had agood day,but terrible thoughts all day about my heart.Every pain im worrying,we are all going threw it hun!I think i did really well with the going out part,thats a start.{sorry about the spelling}I do hope you arent worrying to much and you are feeling better.xxxx

16-04-06, 12:06
thanks bong. actually im the same as you too. it has always been my heart for the past 4 years but last year my mum took a clot and now it goes from one to the other.

just wondering i have had this kidney infection and now i fear a heart attackbecause since the infection i have felt soooo naseaus and breathing in stagres if that makes sense. i have pains in my chest and feel constantly sweaty. i am convinced this is my heart slowly or not so slowley giving up/ does anyone ever feel like this after a infection. i just feel so unwell but not the way i usually feel with the anxiety.

totally freaking out


Two heads
16-04-06, 13:26
ow you poor thing!Please just keep saying to yourself its only a water infection over and over again,because its really not your heart sweet.The nauseus feeling is your body dealing with the infection and the breathing is just the worrying and as with the chest pain too.If you are sweating that will only be your body starting to kill off the infection this always happens when we are unwell with infection!My heart does all sorts of things lately,which is why im going to see a cardio the week after next,i just worry like yourself.We just need to keep positive thoughts and yes i known thats hard.You will feel better next week hun,keep your chin upxxxx

16-04-06, 17:49
bong sorry about the wrong spellings there. i wish i could believe you. i just feel still so nauseas and sweaty. i keep saying it is still the infection and my period all at the same time, but im struggling to believe it. i had been not so bad lately but have got so bad again, wish i could not fear it so much but i always fear new symptoms so badley

i too will see a cardiologist soon, but have seen so many over the years as i have been hospitalised and had 4 kids in under four years and had heart tests done through them because of my heart fears.

today i am just so sore and nauseas. ( ive said that already i know ). i keep thinking the sickness is breathlessness and cant seem to tell the difference between the 2

oh **** im sooo needy again

thanks for replying i am truly greatful. how did yours all start bong


16-04-06, 18:25
Boy your having a real bad time and i know exactley how you are feeling.. but all of it is just a state of fear you are in.. yes you wont feel great.. because you have an infection thats true .. but that is all is is an infection.. you have no terminal illness darling,, jacks listen tom me, the doctor would have picked up on this trust me, he would have im telling you..jax if you are still really concerned go back to your doctors theres no harm in doing that love.. it may help you.. text me when ever ya feel... im right beside you.. i am bad too love xx


Two heads
16-04-06, 20:39
Hi again only me!Mine started around december time,can remember the exact date it was 16th.My husband went away and its been down hill since then.The cause could be afew things ie,stress with my 6year old boy who is having problems,the brithof my little girl in may{hormones},the fact two of my uncles have had heart opps.. And also my breathlessness which started in december which i still think is everything going!Infact that really did start the panick off,had tests done for clots and stuff.My sister still thinks its related back to aloss of apregnancy two years ago,i waset that far gone but it was planed and hit me badly!
Anyway enough about me,how are you now?
Please just try to believe yourself hun,you no you can.You will be over this next week and be wondering what you were worrying about sweet,really you will!Glad your seeing cardio again to help put your mind at rest,if we have to do these things then we must if it helps cure us alittle.xxx

16-04-06, 20:52
i think your right about the reassurance. i am still trying to convince myself i shouldnt go to A&E. i have been so many times in the past but these are symptoms i have never had before. ive had the chest pain certainly but never really the sweating or the nausea/breathlessness that i cannot seem to distinguish which it is

i hope this is nothing sinister and that you are right. if it goes away then i will know it was the infection and the period. if it doesnt then i will freak until i get a ecg when the pain and everything is there

i hope it goes. i hope you get some relief knowing that you are nto alone. i too have five kids and i know how hard it can be to do everything that is expected of us and carry this constant fear about wiith us


16-04-06, 21:25
Hi Jackie
Im sorry your feeling so ill, I hope you start to feel better soon.
Ive got chronic renal failure and I have many kidney infections and I have one right now.
Let me tell you they are nasty buggers.
The breathlessness is due to were the pain is, Pain from a kidney infection is round the back and when you breathe in the muscles around the kidneys move, So to compensate so the muscles dont move too much your breathing changes. It will ease, when the pain starts to ease up the breathing will too.
And the nausea and sweating is pefectly normal. I was as sick as a dog last night, but I understand your fears because even though I get 1-2 infections a month I still panic when I am sick.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

16-04-06, 21:31
really nula the sweating and nausea are normal, even though the infection in my kidney feels like it is gone

can you believe i am considering looking up nausea and sweating in the heart section as i cannot believe these could be related to the infection

thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions as i seem beyond afraid at the moment


16-04-06, 21:35
Honestly jackie the infection probably hasnt gone, the pain might have gone but you could still have an infection.
The sweating is due to a high temperature, which paracetamol work wonders for:D
And the nausea I find is the worst part of the infection, a great tip for nausea if you can handle it is peppermint herbal tea. It sometimes makes me heave but it always does good, failing that suck on a boiled sweet.

I hope your ok, if you have any questions feel free to pm me[^]

16-04-06, 21:43
thanks nula i will. you may be sorry you offered that service.lo

i will try the paracetemol cheers for the advice. hope i can put my trust in you and the resiliance of our bodies, it is just that like the rest of us, mine feels tired and weak at the moment and feels like it is just giving in

even through all this, isnt life great


16-04-06, 21:45
I wont be sorry, Im here anytime you need to chat:D
Kidneys can do weird things when they are infected, they can cause a lot of mischief.

Two heads
17-04-06, 10:56
Hi Jackie!How are you today?That was asound piece of advice from nula,and thats from somebody thats suffering to at present.You really must not worry about the sweating it really is just your body frighting the infection that why your temp is up.Have you taken your temp?My little girl has atemp at the moment of 39.4 so took her to docs this mor and she just said its just her body frighting an infection.Thats just the way our body deals with it,shes been like this for a few days.Doc said i have to try and take a urine sample{some how}just to check she haset an urine infection her self.Because of she has no cold and abad case of arash down below!Its not nappy rash..
She has been sweating for a few days and will not eat,just keeps drinking water.Feel a bit rubbish because i caut really do much to help her at mo.Are you on any anti ds for your anxiety?xxx

17-04-06, 13:06
what age is your little girl. if she is in nappies then a sanitary towel onto the nappy is how they usually check. keep it on her and then bring it to the docs

no tablets i hate them . i know i hate this fear worse but i am afraid of the tablets. i feel so blessed that nula took time out from her own pain to reassure me and that she did. i still have the symptoms today but am trying to be more relaxed. i am always frightened of chest pain though and struggle to overcome pain in such a critical area. the sweating is perhaps not so bad and neither is the nausea. but s**t the chest is bad

sorry to go on again i just hate it

hows you bong

thanks for continuing to care


ps i know youv told me your daughters age so sorry i forgot

Two heads
17-04-06, 13:33
Hi jackie!Im ok.I had to go to hospital outpatients with her because docs not open and saw someone there this mor,she just said try and get her to sit on a bowl and get some urine that way.But your idea sounds much better.
Sorry your still feeling under the weather hun,you will get better.Chest pain is horrible and can send you into one.your doing the best thing by trying to relax,i no this in its self can be differcult when you have this condtion.What i have found helps is to put my fav film on and try to get into someone elses world.Its a shame you have afear of meds as i known they can help some people{i have been on them six weeks and like yourself have a fear of taking them,but am trying not to worry to much.}I guess my fear is not as bad as yours.as.
Nula has some great advice,and really has been threw it like yourself .Keep positive,xxx

17-04-06, 19:12
bong the chest pain is my biggest fear but i have been almost pain free from it for a few weeks. it almost feels as though i wish i hadnt had the break from it because its return has been worse than ever, it is sooo painful and soo sore to touch

my fear is always there but i get on with life and rare my 5 kids but it never goes away. some days it is manageable, but this week has been a return to its worse

i hope i can ride this storm and live to get over the worse so that i can at least be rational again


Two heads
18-04-06, 12:09
ow jackie you poor thing!You will feel better hun ipromise.Your body is so under the weather at the moment with this dreaded infection that you will feel every thing.If your still worrying about clots do what i did and ask your doctor for a d -dimer blood test!That would give you piece of mind.
What nula said about your chest made alot of sense,so try and reason with that.I think you are avery brave person to cope with five kids and deal with your illness,you are doing really well.You will be rational again.Its just a blip because you are feeling under the weather.

18-04-06, 14:33
oh bong why do i keep sweating out of the blue. surely this is my damaged heart


18-04-06, 15:22
Awww jackie im sorry your still going through it.
The sweating out of the blue is normal thats what having a high temperature is like some times it is there all the time then other times it will go and then bang within minutes your sweating buckets.
If you cant take tablets then how about some disolvable paracetamol. They work just work just as goos.
I really hope you start to feel better soon.

Maybe another trip to the doctors might help put you at ease?

18-04-06, 16:43
nula i feel so guilty asking you about this and worrying soooo much its just that ive never had this much sweating before and it is totally freaking me out, even after five days of antibiotics and the infection supposed to be over why am i still sweating

oh what a whinge but im just freaking



19-04-06, 12:09
Hi jackie
Dont feel guilty and theres no need to say sorry, Ive had plenty of these infections and I still panic sometimes, sometimes I get symptoms ive never had before from an infection and it completley puts me in a huge panic only for the doctor to say its due to the infection.
Maybe you should go back to the doctors, maybe the antibiotics you had werent strong enough, Which ones did you have if you dont mind me asking? Becuase some antibiotice are only good for urinary tract infections and some are better for kidney infections.

Maybe some of the sweating can be due to panic attacks? I tend to get cold sweats when I panic and my feet and hands become very cold and clamy.

Did you try the paracetamol? They really do work.
Like I said earlier feel free to pm me or email me:D