View Full Version : new to citalopram

08-04-11, 13:47
Hi folks, im Mike just recently started on cit. diagnosed with ptsd 4 yrs ago and have been suffering with stress/anx ever since .have had psychtherapy conselling cbt which have helped, problem is the root problem wont go away, so its about accepting my situation, or the traumas that led to ptsd.So basically I jusst have to live with it cos I cant change what has happened. but its left me quite depressed a lot of the time and i experience a good deal of anxiety.about it.but recently the depression got worse and was stopping me from doing things that will make me well again like getting a life socializing etc. my gp prescribed cit to help give me a lift.so iwasnt too down and avoiding social activities . since taking them about 2 wks ago im getting side effects .nausea.nervousness . im hoping these will disapear eventually,as i really dont want to become so depressed and anxious that i avoid life and isolate myself again as its takeen ages for me to get towhere i am now, not perfect but a thousand times better than how its been for last 4 yrs. Any POsitive advice wwill be much appreciated.. thanks mikex ps my user name is mash

08-04-11, 13:49
Hi mash

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-04-11, 21:37
Hi Mike

This is my fourth week on citalopram...i didnt have side effects as such but the first two weeks especially were hard...they seem to make you feel worse at first then it gradually gets better..my mood and anxiousness has improved this week considerably so stick in there. ps....give alcohol a wide berth..at the very most one small drink but no more..it definitely reacts with the drug..good luck..dave

Vanilla Sky
09-04-11, 11:22
Hia and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

09-04-11, 15:35
Hi Mike

This is my fourth week on citalopram...i didnt have side effects as such but the first two weeks especially were hard...they seem to make you feel worse at first then it gradually gets better..my mood and anxiousness has improved this week considerably so stick in there. ps....give alcohol a wide berth..at the very most one small drink but no more..it definitely reacts with the drug..good luck..dave
Thanks Dave and Paige for responding and the welcome info/advice. its good to know that if i stick with it things could improve. I dont drink anyway but thanks for reminding me of the unpleasant reactions, i'll use that as the perfect excuse to give anyone who offers me a drink
cheers, Mike

09-04-11, 18:21
Hi Mike,
:welcome: Bear with the citalopram...they can make you feel worse before they make you feel better. Lots of support here for you and especially on citalopram as lots of people on here take it.


09-04-11, 19:24
Hi mike;

Ive been on citalopram 7wks now,i suffered horrible side effects the first month,but now iam getting back to my old self and feel these meds are working great.

Ive been suffering with deppresion anxiety and panic attacks,iam also going through seperation from my wife of 20yrs.Without the meds i dont know how i would have got through it so stick with the citalopram and give them a chance theve certainly helped me,heres hoping you get yourself better soon iam sure you will mate rgds scott,

10-04-11, 12:28
Thanks all for uour encouraging posts.good to know there is light after the darkne:shades:ss MIke

11-04-11, 20:17
Hi Mike.
Another newbie here so thought id pop by and say hello!
Ive just been prescribed citalopram today and im really nervous about taking it

Love and support

Shabs xx

11-04-11, 22:02
:welcome:Ive been on it for 8 days now, which i take with my breakfast havnt so far had any side effects apart from a bit of shakiness and nervousness, but i was in the company of a she devil so i guess its to be expected. cant say my mood has improved but it hasnt gotten worse. why are u nervous about taking it?. iv looked at quite a few posts on here and it looks like lots of people have that experience, incl myself but im now alright to give them a go.

12-04-11, 12:45
Just a bit nervous due to all the side effects basically. Started today and im feeling a wee bit sick and really lightheaded and chatty and nervous. :) x

18-04-11, 18:35
feelin dreadful on these tablets. when i wake up loads of anxiety comes flooding in. feeling suicidal and very negative. im alright once iv got myself up and dressed, but nervy and twitchy all day. starting to sleep better though. mike

18-04-11, 18:50
hiya I have been on cit for about 8 weeks now and to begin with I felt even more anxious than I did before I started taking it! It does get better though, I would say I felt like that for just over 2 weeks and then I started to feel a little better and the side effects subsided, I think the meds are working as I am looking to go back to work soon and I definately wouldn't have done that before. good luck with it all. Kayleigh x

19-04-11, 03:42
Hi all. New to this site, this is my first post. Just saw the word 'Citalopram' which I am very familiar with. I have been on it for almost 2 years now. The side effects give way after about a month, though I always feel a little 'away with the fairies! I have just had a medication increase to 50mg, which is pretty damn high. My hands shake a lot, I still get suicidal thoughts...Just hanging in there for psychotherapy and hoping now. Nausea sucks, but it does go. I found pro-biotics helped.