View Full Version : Stomach hurts!!!

Wasake wauspe
08-04-11, 14:35
Hi all :)

I wondered if any one here suffers with severe IBS. I have changed my diet, I eat healthy, I dont drink hardly, I gave up smoking, - but here's the thing....I believe that because i am TENSE AND ANXIOUS ALL the time i am literally tightening my stomach therefore not being able to relax Which makes me feel worse. I t5hink its habbit but ive been this way for many years. I just wondered if any one else has this?


08-04-11, 21:57
Yes I get some stomach pains too. It seems quite common with anyone who has anxiety/panic. We tend to tense ourselves up. I have a CD for relaxation for your whole body, which helps to keep calm. I also watch what I eat like keeping off rich food.


08-04-11, 22:25
hi guys, im studying nursing and one of the things we have covered is IBS. it is definely caused by anxiety, unfortunatly. i actually suffer from it often. i find eating small frequent meals really helps, high fiber, high protein ... and loads of fluids when you get a bad spell of diarrhoea. as for constipation, id recommend staying clear of laxatives etc etc. high fibre ( more than 25g's fibre a day) along with plenty of fluids and even fibogel(natural husk) will ease the discomfort... :)

11-04-11, 10:00
I have IBS, although it's a lot better now I'm taking antidepressants. Constipation is one of my 'early warnings' that I'm stressed out and need to work on relaxation more.